Новые возможности |
1. | The possibility to manually data enter is added to the indicator element.V2021.4.1 |
2. | Animation of "Chart", "Gauge", "Region Map" elements in reports and dashboards is added.V2021.4.1 |
3. | Animation of transition from one type of diagram to another for reports and dashboards is added.V2021.4.1 |
4. | Animation of the chart transition from one value to another, including when changing the filter values on the dashboard.V2021.4.1 |
5. | The ability to select a framework when publishing a report is added. .NET Framework 4.5.2, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 are now available for ASP.NET MVC, WinForms and WPF projects.V2021.4.1 |
6. | New values are added for the "Style" property for the "Sunburst" chart type.V2021.4.1 |
7. | A new 'Value' ident is added to the text element for the drill-down operation. The 'Value' is a plain text contained in a text element.V2021.4.1 |
8. | A new MonthIdent function is added to the report dictionary.V2021.4.1 |
9. | The possibility to manually enter data is added to the chart element.V2021.4.1 |
10. | The possibility to manually data enter is added to the gauge element.V2021.4.1 |
11. | The possibility to manually add data is impelemented for the progress element.V2021.4.1 |
12. | The Icon property is added to the page.V2021.4.1 |
13. | The ability to show or hide components on the "Report Tree" panel in the report designer was added.V2021.4.1 |
14. | Duplicate command is added to a context menu of the dictionary in the designer. This command is available for connections, data sources, data relations, variables and resources.V2021.4.1 |
15. | The ExceedMargins property is added to the text component in the report. This property allows exceeding component's background from standard margins of a component.V2021.4.1 |
Улучшения |
1. | The category Description of a report is renamed to Design.V2021.4.1 |
2. | Some improvements regarding working with AllowApplyStyle in the Chart component.V2021.4.1 |
3. | Some options are moved to the AutoSave tab of the designer's options, and this tab is renamed to the Saving tab.V2021.4.1 |
4. | View options of the designer are moved to the new group in the options.V2021.4.1 |
5. | Complete redesign of the variable's items editor is added.V2021.4.1 |
6. | Scrolling up-down in the dashboard viewer with help of mouse wheel is added.V2021.4.1 |
7. | The PostgreSQL's SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication method was updated.V2021.4.3 |
8. | All hyperlinks which are clicked in the dashboard viewer are going now through StiOptions.Engine.GlobalEvents.HyperlinkClick.V2021.4.1 |
9. | Improvements in using variables in the image element's hyperlinks are made.V2021.4.1 |
10. | When running the report designer in Windows 11, the window is adapted to the style of the operating system.V2021.4.2 |
11. | A possibility to load an image in the dashboards by hyperlink which is stored in the database is added.V2021.4.1 |
Исправлены ошибки |
1. | The error related to the synchronization of data sources and the links between them in the report data dictionary was fixed.V2021.4.4 |
2. | A bug related to creating connections to data sources from the "Recent" tab was fixed.V2021.4.4 |
3. | Some issues with the "Chart" component in reports and dashboards were fixed.V2021.4.1 |
4. | An issue related to the processing of titles that contain a hyphen in CosmosDB data sources was fixed.V2021.4.4 |
5. | The problem with displaying dates when choosing Date value format for charts is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
6. | There was not enough script to call the Blockly editor for public in JavaScript projects.
When publishing reports for the JavaScript platform, there was no script for working in the report designer with the Blockly visual script editor.V2021.4.2 |
7. | When WinForms and WPF projects are public, the Blockly editor is not called in the designer.
The Blockly visual script editor was not invoked when publishing a report for WinForms and WPF platforms.V2021.4.2 |
8. | A single value was not displayed for the "Indicator" element.V2021.4.2 |
9. | A doubled horizontal scroll bar was displayed for the "Indicator" element.V2021.4.2 |
10. | The error occurred when using the "Color for Each" feature in the "Gantt" and "Range Bar" report charts.V2021.4.2 |
11. | An error occurred when retrieving data columns in the OData editor of the data source.V2021.4.2 |
12. | A problem related to CosmosDB data source names that contain spaces and line breaks was fixed.V2021.4.4 |
13. | Compilation error occured when publishing a WinForms project using built-in libraries, when exporting a report.V2021.4.2 |
14. | VB .Net project did not compile when publishing in WPF using a theme. When publishing a report for the WPF platform using a theme, the VB .Net project was not compiled.V2021.4.2 |
15. | When viewing a report or dashboard, the ability to specify the mode to enable animation of components in the "Options" menu of the report designer is added.V2021.4.2 |
16. | A bug related to displaying the user's role in the account edit menu was fixed.V2021.4.4 |
17. | The error related to generating a report when using CosmosDB data source with API type as SQL was fixed.V2021.4.4 |
18. | An issue with duplicating the relation name when connecting the XML file was fixed.V2021.4.3 |
19. | A bug related to displaying the shadow for Radar charts was fixed.V2021.4.4 |
20. | Fixed problem with switching column types for Table elements.V2021.4.2 |
21. | When scaling the OS to 150%, the algorithm for calculating the size of the horizontal scroll bar was fixed.V2021.4.2 |
22. | The issue with the state of the edited object in the properties panel after closing the "Chart" component editor was fixed.V2021.4.2 |
23. | The color state could not be updated after selecting a color in the "More Options" item for the Color Box components.V2021.4.2 |
24. | The issue with editing events for a series of charts using Blocks script mode was fixed.V2021.4.2 |
25. | The error related to updating the property panel when changing the type of a chart series in the simple editor of this component was fixed.V2021.4.3 |
26. | For SVG export, the positioning of "Labels" for charts in reports was improved.V2021.4.3 |
27. | The positioning of labels for "Pie" charts in reports and dashboards was fixed.V2021.4.3 |
28. | When exporting a report and dashboard, the error related to the animation of the pie chart was fixed.V2021.4.3 |
29. | A problem related to the list of plug-in libraries when publishing a report with dashboards to a WPF project was fixed.V2021.4.1 |
30. | Some improvements regarding displaying no-element images in HiDPI are made.V2021.4.1 |
31. | An issue with expression parsing in the variable's items is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
32. | The error with displaying various component events in the "Report Tree" panel in the report designer was fixed.V2021.4.1 |
33. | Small improvements to get columns in the data source editor in the designer are added.V2021.4.1 |
34. | An improvement regarding showing interaction marks for the band sorting in the designer is made.V2021.4.1 |
35. | An issue with unselecting default value in a request from a user variable is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
36. | An issue with a default value and requested variable is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
37. | Unnecessary dashboard viewer refreshing is removed when a dashboard loaded from the viewer.V2021.4.1 |
38. | An issue with the full-screen mode and a table without visible columns is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
39. | Some improvements regarding retrieving columns from the MSSQL server are added.V2021.4.1 |
40. | An issue with sorting chart by column with a comma in a name is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
41. | Incorrect work of AvgTime function is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
42. | An issue with viewing data in the pivot element with some symbols is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
43. | The Set Style tool of the designer did not work when the Use Last Format option was disabled.V2021.4.1 |
44. | A problem of using Enabled expression in the panel element is fixed.V2021.4.1 |
45. | The text editor was disabled in the WinForms viewer when a report is used in the cache mode was fixed.V2021.4.1 |
46. | A bug with aligning the contents of the "Math Formula" component was fixed.V2021.4.1 |
47. | A problem with drawing the main and intermediate grid lines for the chart area was fixed.V2021.4.1 |
48. | An issue with drawing thick border with disabled sides was fixed.V2021.4.1 |
49. | A bug related to applying the UI theme when publishing a report to a WPF standalone application was fixed.V2021.4.1 |
50. | Compilation error when publishing to an ASP.NET MVC project, in cases of loading the report as Stream, was fixed.V2021.4.1 |