Stimulsoft BI Designer 2020.1

Опубликовано 19 декабря 2019
Новые возможности
1.A new Target Mode property that specifies the Percentage or Variation display for the Indicator.
2.A new mobile mode of the dashboards designer.

1.Some improvements with the position of the Checker window.
2.The variable menu item is added to the Expression editor.
3.Some improvements of meters drawing.
4.Fonts from a report resources support in the Style designer.

Исправлены ошибки
1.Some issues with the DotMatrix viewer in the HiDPI mode.
2.Some issues with blocking the designer closing.
3.Support of the ReportImage property when saving to JSON.
4.Correct displaying of charts with negative values.
5.The additional way to get variable value.
6.A bug with filtering data with the help of formatted argument from the Chart element.
7.An incorrect way of the TopN working with a Bar chart.
8.The incorrect showing the sort menu on the Chart element was removed.
9.Some issues with the Cross-tab editor and dragging columns.
10.The issue with saving and loading the TopN property of the Indicator and Progress elements.
11.The issue with the position of the TopN editor.

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