Stimulsoft Dashboards.JS 2020.1

Опубликовано 19 декабря 2019
Новые возможности
1.A new Target Mode property that specifies the Percentage or Variation display for the Indicator.
2.Parse expression for dashboard drill-down parameters.
3.The new JSON converter parameter tryParseDateTime=false.
4.Font support for the progress element.
5.Some DateTime methods: add quart, add month, and etc.
6.Support for calculated column in the progress indicator.
7.The new France18Regions and FranceDepartments maps.

1.Update all maps.
2.Move to TypeScript 3.7 source code.

Исправлены ошибки
1.Correct displaying of charts with negative values.
2.Changed bluebirds to polyfill promise.
3.Variable value in the dashboard viewer.
4.Load aesjs to non Node.js caused crash on some browsers.
5.Show error occurred if there was no connection to the database.
6.Convert null number to "null".
7.Get data if cell is null.
8.The error occurred when double click on a dashboard element.
9.Incorrect page order in drill-down.
10.A bug with the date format in some cases.
11.Sorting did not work with TopN.
12.Some problems with Heatmap.
13.Problems with labels in styles.
14.Show Nulls and Zero properties for the Chart Series.

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