Stimulsoft BI Designer 2021.1

Опубликовано 15 января 2021
Новые возможности
1.The "Size" property is added to the "Dimension" columns of the "Table" element. Also, the "Word Wrap" property is added to the "Table" element.
2.The ability to use expressions when conditionally formatting the "Chart" element on the dashboard was added.
3.A new data adapter for connecting to the Google BigQuery data store and retreiving data from this service was added.
4.The "Total Label" property is added to the pivot's columns and rows.
5.The new "Show Total" property was added to the columns and rows headers of the pivot element.
6.The "Account" tab in the "File" menu of the report designer was added. This tab contains commands for managing the current user account.
7.The "Frozen Columns" property is added to the "Table" element.
8.The ability to drag and drop columns in the "Table" element when viewing the dashboard was added.
9.The new "Table of Contents" component is added to the report engine.
10.The "MonthIdent" function now supports an abbreviation of the month.

1.The editor for setting colors in the report designer was updated.
2.Some improvements regarding the flickering of the dashboard viewer via processing the "Refresh Time" property.
3.The dashboard engine now supports real-time refreshing of the text element, which contains the Time variable.
4.The "Sort" property of the "Cross-Tab" component is hidden now because it is not been frequently used.
5.Resizing of the "Cross-Tab" editor form was added.
6.Some improvements in the country codes while searching in the "Map" element.

Исправлены ошибки
1.A problem with the Min-Max icon in Stimulsoft Designer for Mac was fixed.
2.Problems with the visibility of buttons and saving the position of the application window in Stimulsoft Designer for Mac was fixed.
3.Errors occurred when clicking Disable Buttons in File Menu.
4.The errors with processing "Indicator", "Progress", "Chart" elements when viewing a dashboard in Stimulsoft Designer.JS were fixed.
5.A problem with resizing Stimulsoft Designer for Mac was updated.
6.The error with displaying values for a scatter chart was fixed.
7.The issue with the "Length under Labels" property for the chart axis was fixed.
8.The error with authentication when creating a connection to the data storage using the OData v3 protocol was fixed.
9.Drawing of the Progress element for high order numbers was optimized.
10.The "First Row Is Header" property was not saved to the JSON format of the report.
11.Some issues with styles in the Cross-tab editor were fixed.
12.Now you can change properties of each table column in the Property panel by clicking on the table column header.
13.Some issues with not loading data into the "Map" component from the data transformation source was fixed.
14.Some looping issues during the report rendering of the clone component were fixed.
15.Incorrect specification of default values for the "OnClick" property in the Indicator element was fixed.

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