May 2023

News22 May 2023  ·  Tim Crawford

Laravel framework support in Stimulsoft products for PHP applications

We are talking about the support of the Laravel framework in the Reports.PHP and Dashboards.PHP.
News15 May 2023  ·  Andrew Savin

Introducing Grace Period for Subscriptions

Starting from July 15, 2023, we will introduce a grace period for our subscription renewals on our software.
Blog12 May 2023  ·  Alex Markus

Using the Watermark style in reports and dashboards

Continuing our coverage of the latest innovations in reporting tools and dashboards, the next feature we will discuss is the Watermark style in version 2023.2.

April 2023

Blog28 Apr 2023  ·  Alex Markus

Support for new versions of Java and Jakarta in Stimulsoft Reports

Today, we will introduce you to the new features of the Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards 2023.2 version.
Blog19 Apr 2023  ·  Tim Crawford

Reducing the loading time for Reports.JS and Dashboards.JS product scripts

In this article, we will share practical tips on how to optimize the loading time of product scripts.
Blog13 Apr 2023  ·  Alex Markus

Dark theme and Monoline icon pack

We are launching a series of articles dedicated to the latest 2023.2 version of our reporting and dashboard products.

March 2023

Blog31 Mar 2023  ·  Alex Markus

Report culture expressions

We will discuss the newly added functionality for localizing reports and dashboards, specifically, the introduction of expressions for report cultures.
News24 Mar 2023  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards 2023.2. New version is here!

We are thrilled to unveil the latest version of Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards - 2023.2!
Blog17 Mar 2023  ·  Alex Markus

Categories of variables in the viewer

We are excited to share one of the newest innovations in our products - the display of variable categories on the parameters panel in the viewer.
Blog7 Mar 2023  ·  Alex Markus

Support for Razor Pages in Stimulsoft

One of the new features of the first version of Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards 2023 is support for working with Razor Pages in Reports.WEB and Dashboards.WEB products.

February 2023

Blog23 Feb 2023  ·  Tim Crawford

Customizing report viewers in Stimulsoft products

Today, we will discuss how to change the appearance of the Report Viewer and Dashboard Viewer components.
News17 Feb 2023  ·  Andrew Savin

Changes to Stimulsoft Terms & Conditions for Subscriptions

We have important news regarding changes to our subscription and licensing model in 2023.
Blog8 Feb 2023  ·  Alex Markus

Electronic Signature and PDF Digital Signature in Stimulsoft Products

Today we will tell you about the most important updates in version 2022.4 of our products – new components Electronic Signature and PDF Digital Signature.
Blog3 Feb 2023  ·  Alex Markus

New types of 3D charts in Stimulsoft products

Recently, we released the new version of Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards (version 2022.4), in which we implemented new ways to visualize data - 3D charts.

January 2023

Blog25 Jan 2023  ·  Tim Crawford

Encoding data in QR code

So, today let's talk about data encoding in QR сode and possible problems associated with it.
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