May 2022

Blog6 May 2022  ·  Rodion Tamm

Dashboard element Table

This time you will know about the Table element and how to create a dashboard with it.
Blog4 May 2022  ·  Alex Markus

Pictorial Stacked Chart is a new chart type in Stimulsoft reporting tools

Today, we’re going to tell you about a new chart type – Pictorial Stacked Chart.

April 2022

Blog27 Apr 2022  ·  Alex Markus

Internet Explorer, ES5, Stimulsoft

In the 2022.2 release, we have added an ability to compile scripts of a product to ECMAScript 5 (ES5), which works in Internet Explorer 11.
Blog21 Apr 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

New component for dashboards – Cards

Today’s article will tell you about a new dashboard element, which has been available in Stimulsoft products since the 2022.2 release – Cards.
Blog14 Apr 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

QR codes customization in Stimulsoft Reports

We continue to acquaint you with the new functionality, which has become available in Stimulsoft reporting and data analytics tools since the 2022.2 version.
Blog12 Apr 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Data connection in the report designer

This time, we will tell you about work with the report designer, and today we’re starting with the first and crucial step – data connection.
Blog8 Apr 2022  ·  Rodion Tamm

Button – a new element for creating dashboards

Today, we are going to tell you about a new element for dashboards – Button. This special element allows you to execute various scripts by click or depending on a condition.

March 2022

Blog30 Mar 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

First run of the report designer

There are a lot of services and reporting tools, but their main element – report designer. This application is used for creating, designing and editing reports and dashboards.
News22 Mar 2022  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards. New version 2022.2 released

In this release, we have added new elements, extended the functionality of existing components, and optimized the work of products for more rapid and convenient data analysis.
News10 Mar 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards 2022.2 – coming soon

Today, we are announcing the upcoming release of a new version of report generators and business intelligence tools of Stimulsoft 2022.2.
Blog9 Mar 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Remote access to view reports and dashboards

This article will tell you about features of remote access to view reports and dashboards, Share command in the report designer.
Blog2 Mar 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Report structure

Today in the article, we will talk about the structure of the components in the report.

February 2022

News23 Feb 2022  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft is in the top 50 software publishers!

ComponentSource company, our longtime marketplace and software sales partner, has announced the nominees of its annual Bestselling Product Awards for 2022.
Blog23 Feb 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Interpretation and Compilation. Blockly

Today, in this article, we will tell you about the expression calculation mode in a report. Actually, there can be only two – Interpretation and Compilation.
Blog17 Feb 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Mobile mode of editing dashboards

The Mobile dashboard design version can display the current dashboard on mobile devices but not change it conceptually.
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