February 2022

Blog15 Feb 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Restaurant menu in the report designer

Today, we will talk a little about using the reporting tool in various spheres, for example, in HoReCa.
News10 Feb 2022  ·  Eliza Leppik

PHP 8.1 and Stimulsoft products

The release contains many improvements and new features, which significantly influenced the work of the projects created using PHP.
News8 Feb 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Improvements in the Publish Wizard

Today, we will tell you about a few minor but important improvements, which have affected the Publish option.
News4 Feb 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Olympic games in Beijing

Today, the opening of the 24th Winter Olympic Games takes place in Beijing.
News2 Feb 2022  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Webinar. 2021 Summary + 2022 RoadMap

Explore the functionality we already have and look into the future.

January 2022

Blog31 Jan 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Reset settings to default

In version 2022.1, we have expanded and simplified the ability to reset settings to default values.
Blog25 Jan 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Export and import of report globalization settings

One of the new features of version 2022.1 is the ability to export and import a list of used cultures in a report. This option considerably expands the borders of using globalization in reports and...
Blog21 Jan 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Dashboard components design and Watermark

This time we expanded features of the dashboard creating and added new options: rounding corners, background transparency of elements, shadows of dashboard components, watermark.
Blog14 Jan 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Localization in maps. New feature in Stimulsoft reporting tools

Previously, the names of geographic objects, states, provinces, and so on were displayed only in English. In version 2022.1 of Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards, we have added localization for...
Blog12 Jan 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

New features of data transformation

Since the 2022.1 version, a new feature was added to the Skip and Limit Rows action and in the Data Transformation tool. Apart from such values as Apply till data transformation and Apply after...
Blog5 Jan 2022  ·  Andrew Savin

New barcodes

Earlier, we have already talked about a three-dimensional pie chart and showed the principle of its design. Next in line are new barcodes in Stimulsoft report and dashboard tools.

December 2021

News30 Dec 2021  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft in 2021

2021 was a hectic and productive year for our company.
Blog17 Dec 2021  ·  Andrew Savin

Log4j vulnerability and Stimulsoft products

On December 9, 2021, it became known about the critical vulnerability of Log4j – CVE-2021-44228. It may execute arbitrary code, which can lead to data leaks. The vulnerability affected a massive...
Blog17 Dec 2021  ·  Andrew Savin

3D Pie chart for reports and dashboards in Stimulsoft products

A week ago, a new version of Stimulsoft products 2022.1 was released. In this version, we realized many new features and improvements.
News14 Dec 2021  ·  Andrew Savin

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

On the eve of the holiday season - Christmas and New Year - we announce the beginning of a big sale! From now on and till the last day of 2021, we give all new and existing customers a 20% discount...
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