Stimulsoft ServerThe part of Stimulsoft BI
A brief summary and description of the product.Server
Stimulsoft BI Server is a client-server system that allows you to efficiently and effectively implement a full cycle of working with reports and dashboards that starts from the designing and automation of execution information processing tasks and ends on preparing for convenient presentation of results to users. Functionality and power of the reporting module are implemented using a fast and modern technology of Stimulsoft, which flexibility and reliability are time-tested.

Among the tasks that Stimulsoft BI Server successfully solves, one can highlight:
- Data conversion from popular data sources into bright and colored multi-page documents with graphic elements and different charts;
- Creating and editing reports and dashboards using the built-in designer;
- Centralized storage of reports and dashboards in the workspace of the server;
- Planned data processing using the built-in scheduler;
- Notification of the server events related to data processing.