New Features |
1. | Added the new functions: "FromOADate", "ToOADate".V2020.4.1DWebDWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
2. | Sorting by variation is added to the "Progress" and "Indicator" dashboard elements.V2020.4.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
3. | The new "Show Blanks" option is added to the "Combo Box", "List Box", "Tree View" and "Tree View Box" dashboard elements.V2020.4.1DWebDWinDJSBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
4. | The "Sparkline" component was added to the reporting tools.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRJSRJavaBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
5. | The "RefreshingEvent" is added to the report object.V2020.4.1DWin |
6. | Sort by "Target" values is added to the sort menu of the "Gauge" dashboards element.V2020.4.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktop |
7. | Support for .NET Core 3.1 for WinForms components.V2020.4.1RNetDWin |
8. | Added support "GIS" for the map. Now you can add a field containing the SQL geometry to "Online Map". In this case, many supported providers have been added for displaying the background of the map.V2020.4.1DWin |
9. | The "View Data" button is added to each element in the dashboard viewer.V2020.4.1DWebDWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
10. | Area properties of the "Waterfall" chart in reports were added.V2020.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
11. | Added ability to use "Icons Set" for charts in reports.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRJSDWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
12. | Update the interaction features for the "Indicator" element on the dashboards.V2020.4.1DWebDWinDJS |
13. | The "View Query" menu item is added to the context menu of the dashboard page title.V2020.4.1DWinBIDesignerBIDesktop |
14. | Column types were added in the custom data adapter.V2020.4.1RJSDJS |
15. | The "Master-Report" was added to JS.V2020.4.1RJS |
16. | Added "Login with Google" in the JS standalone designer.V2020.4.1RJSDJS |
17. | Added sorting for "Indicator" and "Progress" dashboard elements.V2020.4.1DWebDJS |
18. | Added the "Quickbook" connection form.V2020.4.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloud |
19. | Added the "OpenLinksWindow" option for dashboard interaction hyperlinks.V2020.4.1DWebDJS |
20. | Added a new simple chart editor in the designer.V2020.4.1RWebRJSBICloudBIServer |
21. | Added the "Compress to Archive" option for export as an image.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRJSRWpf |
22. | Added the hyperlink options for the "Indicator" dashboard element.V2020.4.1DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
23. | Added Drill-Down reports are supported from resources.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
24. | Added conversion of alternative font names for the exports to PDF or XPS Files.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
25. | The "ToWordsAr" function is added.V2020.4.1RJS |
26. | The new functions - ToWords(), DayOfWeek(),DateDiff(), DateSerial().V2020.4.2RJava |
27. | Added caching mode to speed up rendering of the "Region Map" element in the designer.V2020.4.2DWin |
28. | Added the "Trend Line Color" property for the chart style.V2020.4.2RNetDWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
29. | Added a new "Box and Whisker" chart.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRJSRWpfDWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
30. | Added "Firebase" data adapter to connect with Google Firebase service.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRWpfBIDesigner |
31. | Added "Conditions" for the "Progress" dashboard element.V2020.4.2DWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
Enhancements |
1. | Some improvements in the report parameters showing in the viewer.V2020.4.1RNetDWinBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
2. | The amount of drill-down parameters was increased up to 10 in reports.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpfBIDesignerBIDesktop |
3. | Improvements regarding working with "Data Source", "Data Relation", and "Master Component" properties in the property panel.V2020.4.1RNetBIDesignerBIDesktop |
4. | Some improvements regarding using expressions in the "Text" dashboard element.V2020.4.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
5. | The "Tick Label" and "Tick Mark" output algorithm for the "Gauge" dashboard element was redesigned. Now they will always appear together (and a different amount of them) depending on the element's size.V2020.4.1DWin |
6. | Improved export to PDF of the "Indicator" element in dashboards.V2020.4.1DJS |
7. | Support for images in the "QR-code" component.V2020.4.1RWebRJS |
8. | The Interaction editor in reports was improved.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRJSBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
9. | Some improvements in the "Send Email" action. Now the email send application will not reopen if the user has canceled the sending an email.V2020.4.2RWpf |
10. | Some improvements in the compatibility of the "Gauge" report component with the old and new editor.V2020.4.2RNetRWpf |
11. | Improvements in the rendering of labels in the "Outside" mode of the "Gauge" dashboard element.V2020.4.2DWin |
12. | Improvement with the drag and drop of the "Map" component from the toolbox in Ribbon.V2020.4.2RNetRWpf |
13. | Some Improvements in Data Source Menu. The "New Data Source" form in the "All" category did not include items in the "Objects" category.V2020.4.2RNet |
14. | Now values that are returned by the "MonthIdent" function depend on the "Culture" property of a report.V2020.4.2DWinBICloudBIDesigner |
15. | The "InvokeRefreshViewer" method works now for dashboards.V2020.4.2DWin |
16. | Some improvements regarding parsing months which are saved as strings.V2020.4.2DWinBIDesigner |
17. | Some improvements ragarding "DayOfWeekIndex" and "DayOfWeekIdent" functions.V2020.4.2DWinBIDesigner |
18. | An extended checking of regions in the "Regional Map" element.V2020.4.2DWinBIDesignerBIDesktop |
19. | Optimization of the SVG export for the "Chart" element.V2020.4.2RJS |
20. | Ability to remove the "Recent Data Source" tab.V2020.4.2RNetDWinBIDesigner |
21. | Filtering optimization for multiple data rows.V2020.4.2DWebDWin |
22. | Splitting projects for correct compilation of .NET Core source codes on Linux and macOS systems.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWin |
23. | Increased security of "Web Viewer" and "Web Designer" components when using some types of parameters in URL requests.V2020.4.2RWebDWeb |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | Fixed some minor improvements in the simple "Chart" editor in reports.V2020.4.1RNetBIDesignerBIDesktop |
2. | Fixed incorrect date types processing in the filters of the dashboard.V2020.4.1DWebDWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
3. | Fixed some issues with the "Culture" date formatter.V2020.4.1RJava |
4. | Fixed some issues with Null values in filters of dashboard elements.V2020.4.1DWebDWinBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
5. | Some issues with null values are resolved in dashboard filters.V2020.4.1DWebDWinBIDesignerBIDesktop |
6. | Fixed some issues with the image decoder.V2020.4.1RJava |
7. | Fixed transfer of cookies when loading file data.V2020.4.1RWebDWeb |
8. | Fixed incorrect work of the "OData" data adapter.V2020.4.1RPHP |
9. | Fixed filtering data using fields with relations.V2020.4.1RJava |
10. | Fixed the issue with clearing data relation collection.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
11. | Fixed the issue with closing the chart editor when another chart editor has opened.V2020.4.1RWebRNetBIDesignerBIDesktop |
12. | Fixed "Editable fields" in the PDF export.V2020.4.1RJava |
13. | Object reference error when using StiServerCacheMode.StringSession in the Web designer for .NET Core.V2020.4.1RWeb |
14. | Fixed some issues with the "Show Exports" button in the "Preview Settings" dialog of the report.V2020.4.1DWinBIDesignerBIDesktop |
15. | Fixed some issues with null values processing in the stacked chart element.V2020.4.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
16. | Fixed some issues with filters and sort editor in the chart component.V2020.4.1RWebRNetBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
17. | Fixed showing sparkline in the "Table" element using SVG.V2020.4.1DWebDJS |
18. | Fixed currency format for the Y-axis chart in reports.V2020.4.1RNetBIDesigner |
19. | Fixed displaying the title for a "Gauge" from a string column.V2020.4.1DJS |
20. | Fixed use of "List Weight" for the chart in the "Interpretation" mode.V2020.4.1RJSBIDesigner |
21. | Fixed token authentication for OData.V2020.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
22. | Fixed use the "Report Alias" key from the chart interaction parameters.V2020.4.1DWin |
23. | Fixed X-axis formatting for bar charts.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRJSDWinBIDesigner |
24. | Fixed use abbreviations for Y-axis in report charts.V2020.4.1RJSDWinBIDesigner |
25. | Fixed some problems with the XML converter.V2020.4.1RJava |
26. | Fixed the issue with using the width property for the "Doughnut" chart with only one value.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRJSBIDesigner |
27. | Fixed some issues with conditions for the "Gantt" chart.V2020.4.1DWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
28. | Fixed some bugs with the filtering of the "Text" component.V2020.4.1DJS |
29. | Fixed issues with minimizing and maximizing the button in the standalone designer.V2020.4.1RJSDJS |
30. | Fixed work of the "Watermark" expression.V2020.4.2RJS |
31. | The culture character for the group separator in numbers was not taken into account.V2020.4.2RJS |
32. | The "Report Created" and "Report Changed" fields did not change.V2020.4.1RJS |
33. | Fixed the issue with the DateTime parse in milliseconds.V2020.4.2RJS |
34. | Fixed the error occurred when using "View Data".V2020.4.1RJS |
35. | The "Number" formatting did not work correctly.V2020.4.1RJS |
36. | Fixed a bug with a trial in the "Report Checker" preview.V2020.4.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloud |
37. | Fixed issues with alignment in the WYSIWYG editor.V2020.4.1RWebRJSDWebDJS |
38. | Fixed issues with the column gaps in the designer.V2020.4.1RWebRJS |
39. | Fixed supporting for the drill-down single page mode.V2020.4.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloud |
40. | Fixed a bug with the toolbar alignment.V2020.4.1RWebRJS |
41. | Fixed the dashboard export. The "Combo Box" in multi-mode showed "Key" instead of "Name".V2020.4.1DWinDJS |
42. | Fixed the work of the "font-fallback" option in the "Text Quality" mode set as "Wysiwyg".V2020.4.1RWebRNet |
43. | Fixed dashboard export. The "Combo Box" in the multi-mode displayed the "All" extra item.V2020.4.1DWin |
44. | Fixed an issue with the "Expression Checker". In some cases, aliases were incorrectly processed.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
45. | Fixed the issue with the "GetUsedDataSourcesNames" method now considers filters of data bands.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
46. | Now the "Can Break" property shows the long text correctly in the .NET Core components.V2020.4.1RWeb |
47. | Some improvements in the engine. Possible looping if "Data Source" parameters contain expressions.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
48. | In some cases, numeric values were not recognized correctly in the import to Excel.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
49. | The file appeared to be broken if the line had zero thickness in the export to PDF.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
50. | Some improvements in the exports. The "Line Limit" option now works correctly.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
51. | Fixed some issues with embedded files in the export to PDF.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
52. | Fixed a problem with the SVG image quality in "Watermark" in the export to PDF.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
53. | Pages with segments missed some of the other pages in the export to Word.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
54. | The tab character could corrupt the file in the export to Excel.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
55. | Fixed issues with "Group Digits" if the "Hide Zeros" was enabled in the export to Excel.V2020.4.1RWebRNetRWpf |
56. | Fixed some issues with the "Retrieve Columns" button in the SQL source editor.V2020.4.2RNetDWinBIDesigner |
57. | Fixed errors when working with windows when using two different dashboard viewers.V2020.4.2DWin |
58. | The "GIS" map was not displayed correctly in the designer when the component was moved across the page.V2020.4.2DWin |
59. | The "Custom Map" did not work if you save the report in MDC format and open it in the viewer.V2020.4.2RNetRWpfDWin |
60. | Fixed some issues with accelerating the rendering of "Gauge" in the designer mode, if the value expression is specified incorrectly.V2020.4.2RNetRWpf |
61. | Fixed issues with the "Cross-Tab" component rendering.V2020.4.2RJava |
62. | Fixed the issue with the "Cross-Tab" header rendering.V2020.4.2RJava |
63. | Fixed some security issues with relative URLs and the ASP.NET WebForms component.V2020.4.2RWeb |
64. | Fixed the "Pivot Table" summary column names.V2020.4.2DWebDWinDJS |
65. | Fixed some issues with TXT resources in the "Rich Text" editor.V2020.4.2RNetDWinBIDesigner |
66. | Fixed the issue with rendering HTML in reports.V2020.4.2RJava |
67. | Fixed some issues with the "Truncate" function.V2020.4.2RJava |
68. | Fixed some issues with the variables with more than one dependency.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRWpfBIDesigner |
69. | Fixed some issues with the "Range" axis mode for the "Radar" charts.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRJSRWpfDWebDWinDJSBIDesignerBIDesktop |
70. | Fixed some issues with the data filtering for "Treemap" charts.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinDJSBIDesignerBIDesktop |
71. | Fixed some issues with the drawing a "Constant Line" if the width is greater than 1.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRJSRWpf |
72. | Fixed some issues with the displaying percent on the "Radar" charts.V2020.4.2DWebDWinDJS |
73. | Fixed some issues with the "Drag and Drop" elements from the toolbar on the dashboard.V2020.4.2DWinBIDesigner |
74. | Fixed some issues with the drawing chart "Icons" in exports to PDF, HTML.V2020.4.2RJS |
75. | Fixed some issues with the saving conditions when changing the style of series titles.V2020.4.2RNetBIDesigner |
76. | Fixed some issues with the supported multi-series for the "Waterfall" chart.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRJSRWpfDWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
77. | Fixed some issues with displaying the correct color for the "Dougnut" chart when using conditions.V2020.4.2RWebRNetRJSRWpfDWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
78. | Fixed some issues with the "Drag and Drop" the "Image" and "Text" files on the dashboard.V2020.4.2DWinBIDesigner |
79. | Fixed some issues with the conditions for "Pie" charts.V2020.4.2DWin |
80. | Fixed some issues with the conditions for "Treemap" charts.V2020.4.2DWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
81. | Fixed some issues with loading the "Sunburst" charts from .MRT files (XML format).V2020.4.2RJS |
82. | Fixed some issues with the PDF printing in the last Firefox version.V2020.4.2RWebDWeb |