New Features |
1. | Added "Conditions" for the "Progress" dashboard element.V2020.4.2 |
2. | The "View Query" menu item is added to the context menu of the dashboard page title.V2020.4.1 |
3. | Added ability to use "Icons Set" for charts in reports.V2020.4.1 |
4. | Area properties of the "Waterfall" chart in reports were added.V2020.4.1 |
5. | Added the "Trend Line Color" property for the chart style.V2020.4.2 |
6. | The "View Data" button is added to each element in the dashboard viewer.V2020.4.1 |
7. | Added a new "Box and Whisker" chart.V2020.4.2 |
8. | Sort by "Target" values is added to the sort menu of the "Gauge" dashboards element.V2020.4.1 |
9. | The "Sparkline" component was added to the reporting tools.V2020.4.1 |
10. | Added "Firebase" data adapter to connect with Google Firebase service.V2020.4.2 |
11. | The new "Show Blanks" option is added to the "Combo Box", "List Box", "Tree View" and "Tree View Box" dashboard elements.V2020.4.1 |
12. | Added the new functions: "FromOADate", "ToOADate".V2020.4.1 |
13. | Sorting by variation is added to the "Progress" and "Indicator" dashboard elements.V2020.4.1 |
Enhancements |
1. | An extended checking of regions in the "Regional Map" element.V2020.4.2 |
2. | Improvements of the Publish tool in Angular projects.V2020.4.2 |
3. | Some improvements ragarding "DayOfWeekIndex" and "DayOfWeekIdent" functions.V2020.4.2 |
4. | Some improvements regarding using expressions in the "Text" dashboard element.V2020.4.1 |
5. | Some improvements regarding parsing months which are saved as strings.V2020.4.2 |
6. | Now values that are returned by the "MonthIdent" function depend on the "Culture" property of a report.V2020.4.2 |
7. | Improvements regarding working with "Data Source", "Data Relation", and "Master Component" properties in the property panel.V2020.4.1 |
8. | The amount of drill-down parameters was increased up to 10 in reports.V2020.4.1 |
9. | The Interaction editor in reports was improved.V2020.4.1 |
10. | Ability to remove the "Recent Data Source" tab.V2020.4.2 |
11. | Some improvements in the report parameters showing in the viewer.V2020.4.1 |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | Fixed some issues with the "Range" axis mode for the "Radar" charts.V2020.4.2 |
2. | Fixed the issue with using the width property for the "Doughnut" chart with only one value.V2020.4.1 |
3. | Fixed some issues with conditions for the "Gantt" chart.V2020.4.1 |
4. | Fixed use abbreviations for Y-axis in report charts.V2020.4.1 |
5. | Fixed some issues with the conditions for "Treemap" charts.V2020.4.2 |
6. | Fixed some issues with the "Retrieve Columns" button in the SQL source editor.V2020.4.2 |
7. | Fixed some issues with TXT resources in the "Rich Text" editor.V2020.4.2 |
8. | Fixed some issues with the variables with more than one dependency.V2020.4.2 |
9. | Fixed some issues with displaying the correct color for the "Dougnut" chart when using conditions.V2020.4.2 |
10. | Fixed some issues with the data filtering for "Treemap" charts.V2020.4.2 |
11. | Sharing to Twitter and Facebook.V2020.4.2 |
12. | Fixed some issues with the "Drag and Drop" elements from the toolbar on the dashboard.V2020.4.2 |
13. | Fixed some issues with the saving conditions when changing the style of series titles.V2020.4.2 |
14. | Fixed some issues with the "Drag and Drop" the "Image" and "Text" files on the dashboard.V2020.4.2 |
15. | Fixed some issues with the supported multi-series for the "Waterfall" chart.V2020.4.2 |
16. | Fixed some issues with null values processing in the stacked chart element.V2020.4.1 |
17. | Some issues with data creation when a report is loaded from the online search.V2020.4.1 |
18. | Fixed incorrect date types processing in the filters of the dashboard.V2020.4.1 |
19. | Fixed some issues with Null values in filters of dashboard elements.V2020.4.1 |
20. | Some issues with null values are resolved in dashboard filters.V2020.4.1 |
21. | Fixed the issue with clearing data relation collection.V2020.4.1 |
22. | Fixed the issue with closing the chart editor when another chart editor has opened.V2020.4.1 |
23. | Fixed some issues with the "Show Exports" button in the "Preview Settings" dialog of the report.V2020.4.1 |
24. | Fixed some minor improvements in the simple "Chart" editor in reports.V2020.4.1 |
25. | Fixed some issues with filters and sort editor in the chart component.V2020.4.1 |
26. | Some issues with the setting border sides at the Panel element from the ribbon UI in the designer.V2020.4.1 |
27. | Fixed currency format for the Y-axis chart in reports.V2020.4.1 |
28. | Fixed use of "List Weight" for the chart in the "Interpretation" mode.V2020.4.1 |
29. | Fixed token authentication for OData.V2020.4.1 |
30. | Fixed X-axis formatting for bar charts.V2020.4.1 |