New Features |
1. | The new Bubble column is added to the table element.V2020.5.1 |
2. | Added support for multiple trendlines for the "Chart" component in reports and dashboards.V2020.5.2 |
3. | The new Orientation property is added to the ListBoxElement.V2020.5.2 |
4. | The new Cross-Filtering property is added to each element of dashboards. It controls the applying or not of cross-filters to the specified element.V2020.5.2 |
5. | An expression can be used for ComponentStyle, EvenStyle, and OddStyle properties.V2020.5.1 |
6. | An expression can be specified for the DockStyle, HorAlignment, VertAlignment, and ImageRotation properties.V2020.5.1 |
7. | An ability to use an expression is added for Text, Image, ZipCode, and other components.V2020.5.1 |
8. | An ability to specify an expression for the Enabled and Printable properties of components.V2020.5.1 |
9. | An ability to use the Image element together with general dashboard filters is added.V2020.5.1 |
10. | The Group property is added to the Text element.V2020.5.1 |
11. | An ability to specify custom colors in the sparkline column of the table element.V2020.5.1 |
Enhancements |
1. | Images loading from the data column in the image element through the hyperlink option is added.V2020.5.1 |
2. | The Chart.Legend.Visible property of the chart element is modified. The Always mode is added.V2020.5.2 |
3. | Improved data schema retrieval algorithm when using the Cosmos DB adapter.V2020.5.2 |
4. | Sets the right sequence after a copy-paste operation.V2020.5.1 |
5. | Updated the editor of filters and conditions for report components, as well as in the editor of data transformation.V2020.5.2 |
6. | A visibility in the properties panel of the BusinessObject property is added to the DataBand, Chart and CrossTab components.V2020.5.2 |
7. | The Menu action replaced by the Save action in the dashboard viewer.V2020.5.1 |
8. | All multiline values are decreased to one line string in the filter's menu in the Table element.V2020.5.2 |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | An issue with hiding a progress indicator at the date picker in the dashboard was fixed.V2020.5.2 |
2. | The issue with the incorrect using of 'Allows Run Stored Proc' parameter in the SQL Source Editor form.V2020.5.2 |
3. | Some issues with the Summary tab in the Text Editor was fixed.V2020.5.2 |
4. | The issue with loading rendered reports into the dashboard viewer.V2020.5.2 |
5. | The error related to calling the Object.saveAs() method when publishing a report was fixed.V2020.5.2 |
6. | An issue related to adding items to the "Favorites" category in the "New Data Source" menu was fixed.V2020.5.2 |
7. | The issue with displaying the axis title in charts when using a range of values.V2020.5.2 |
8. | The issue with displaying icons in the "Image" component for reports and dashboards.V2020.5.2 |
9. | A problem related to using the Category - Value heading style in a Cluster Bar chart was fixed.V2020.5.2 |
10. | Fixed a problem that occurred when using basic authentication when connecting to a data store via an OData v4 adapter.V2020.5.2 |
11. | Fixed a bug in the "Prevent Intersection" option for a "Clustered Bar" chart when designing reports.V2020.5.2 |
12. | The error with loading a report with a Sunburst chart from an MRT (JSON) file was fixed.V2020.5.2 |
13. | Some issues with getting localization values in the multithread mode were fixed.V2020.5.2 |
14. | Some issues with the TextFormat property editor in the Style designer.V2020.5.1 |
15. | Some issues are fixed and some improvements are made in the filters editor of theTable element.V2020.5.2 |
16. | Some issues with the full screen function in the ribbon report viewer.V2020.5.1 |
17. | Some issues with displaying time values in the table element are fixed.V2020.5.2 |
18. | The brush state in the "Shape" element editor was fixed.V2020.5.1 |
19. | An issue with visibility of Retrieve button in the Data Source editor.V2020.5.1 |
20. | The logarithmic calculation of the range of axes for the "Chart" component with series of the "Scatter" type was fixed.V2020.5.1 |
21. | Issues with rounding values when using abbreviations in the numeric formatting of dashboard elements were fixed.V2020.5.1 |
22. | A bug with the "Negative in Red" parameter for numeric formatting of the "Indicator" element.V2020.5.1 |
23. | Fixed a bug with merging and canceling selection when using the Shift key.V2020.5.1 |
24. | An issues with a variable with selection mode set to Nothing.V2020.5.1 |