Новые возможности
1.The AllowUseAsSqlParameter property was added for the variables.
2.The new static option StiOptions.Export.Excel.SheetViewMode.
3.Two new functions ToWordsEnIn(), ToCurrencyWordsEnIn().

1.Export of bar-codes to SVG using primitives.
2.Changed the procedure of filling columns of the date band in the DownThenAcross mode.
3.Export to PDF. All shapes are now exported as primitives.
4.Export to PDF. Optimization of export of check boxes.
5.SqlDataBase connectionString is now encrypted when running the report as a class and in the Code tab of the designer.

Исправлены ошибки
1.Export to Excel. The Use One Page Header and Footer property sometimes worked incorrectly when using the Cross components.
2.Refreshing the conditions of buttons in the Strips and Constant Lines editor.
3.Fixed some issues with displaying text in the WYSWYG mode (word wrap for the Chinese and Japanese, the width of a character when zooming).
4.The BandFilter export property incorrectly worked for bands with the enabled PrintOnAllPages property.
5.The PrintOn property now works correctly for cross-primitives.
6.The SumDistinct function was incorrectlyworking when using the Totals prefix.
7.In some cases, the vertical alignment of cross-tab cells was incorrectly saved when saving to the mdc file.
8.In some cases, the background color (0, x, x, x) of the RichText component was incorrectly processed.
9.Work of the IsAllowChange property.
10.The text editor worked incorrectly.
11.Exception after dragging a container from page to page using the report tree.
12.The Collapsed property now works correctly in the interpretation mode.
13.When closing the edit menu of the bar-code the rotation angle of the bar-code was not saved.
14.Export to HTML. Now color (0,255,255,255) is processed correctly.
15.When the number of columns is more than 701 the result file was damaged.
16.The error when releasing report resources when caching images is enabled.
17.GlobalizationManager did not work doe the drill-down report.

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