Новые возможности
1.The new property StiOptions.Engine.AllowFixPieChartMarkerAlignment affect the display of Labels Marker in Pie Chart.
2.Export to PDF. Now the stantards PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 are supported.
3.Report Checker now has the French localization.
4.New labels Center and Outside for the Gantt series.
5.Export to Excel2007. The new option StiOption.Export.Excel2007.FitToOnePageWide.
6.Sorting groups by the aggregate function (GroupSummary) now supports the function type - CountDistinct.
7.The option StiOptions.Designer.AutoLargeHeight is used to automatically increase the visual height of the page in the designer, if necessary.
8.Export to PDF. Now you can add an empty field for the digital signature using the tag "pdfunsignedsignaturefield".
9.The QR-code can contain an image.
10.The new static option StiOptions.Engine.StopProcessingAtFirstTrueCondition for compatibility with other versions.
11.The new shape type - Octagon.
12.Export to PDF. Now you can add custom properties.
13.Support for the data source on the base of JSON.
14.The ToCurrencyWordsEs function now supports USD and EUR currencies.
15.Accelerated rendering of reports in the cache mode by using multithreading.
16.Export to PDF. The new property ImageResolutionMode.

1.Optimized saving of the TextOptions property.
2.Export to HTML. Some corrections are made for the size for the report printed correctly.
3.Now when the UseParentStyles property is enabled the style of the parent component is entirely inherited.
4.Expanded abilities of XmlData. Previously, it supported only ADO.NET XML files. Now any types of XML files are supported. They will be loaded via JSON.

Исправлены ошибки
1.Export to TXT. Removed extra space at the beginning of each line.
2.When displaying the report in the viewer using caching, transition by bookmarks was not working propertly.
3.Fixed Auto Series using expressions for the values of the chart.
4.Cross-tab - fixed a rare bug with the offset rows of data when changing the cells format.
5.Drawing the border for the Doughnut chart.
6.Rendering of one value in the Doughnut chart.
7.In some cases, the tree of bookmarks only works when exporting only from the designer.
8.Exception when exporting to the ExcelXml format.
9.A rare problem with loading reports in the multithreaded environment.
10.If the AllowHtmlTags property is enabled then, in the place of the tag insertion, the extra space is now removed. This space appears due to the peculiarity of drawing in Excel2007.
11.Improved work of the PreventIntersection property for Labels of the Chart component.
12.Fixed a minor bug in the CanBreak property, that occured after optimization of speed.
13.Export to PDF. In some cases, a transparent background of the text in the Wysiwyg mode was icorrectly shown if to set an export option PDF/A and a report is rendered in WPF.
14.Export to Excel. Now the cells formatl of the CrossTab works correctly when TextFormat=Custom.
15.Fixed a bug with incorrect displaying of bookmarks when working with large reports using caching.
16.Made some improvements in the support of business objects containing GenericTypes.
17.EngineV2. A bug with KeepDetailsTogether if there are no detail entries for the master entry.
18.Work with expressions from the charts.
19.Export to PDF. In some cases incorrect RichText size when the Remote Desktop is used.
20.Updating the display of variables Request From User of the type List.
21.Text Format. Fixed work with Number, Currency, Percentage.
22.When drawing VerticalLinePrimitive incorrect color of the StartCap was used when CapStyle=Open.
23.Accelerated rendering of reports where containers and sub-reports are used.
24.Export to PDF. Now you can correctly export images with PixelFormat.CMYK which have some problems of compatibility with Win7/8.
25.In some cases, memory in the cache mode when working with large images was incorrectly freed.
26.Export to PowerPoint. Now Start/End caps of lines are exported.
27.Slightly accelerated rendering of reports with multilevel data.
28.Export to Excel2007. When exporting digits the property Culture is now considered.
29.An issue with values of Icon Set Condition.
30.The ToWordsPt function the numeral"14" is changed from "quatorze" to "catorze".
31.Export to Word. When enabling the textbox AllowHtmlTags, the intersecting cells in some cases increased the height of the row.
32.Export to Word. Adjusting the height of the rows when exporting the content of the RichText component.
33.Export to HTML. When enabling the AllowHtmlTags property and using the LineHeight tag the height of the row is now calculated correctly.
34.In some cases incorrect processing of characters '&', '<', '>' when wrapping text with HTML tags to the next page.
35.In some small font sizes there was incorrect calculation of the width of a line of the Wysiwyg text mode.
36.Issues with the form Group Header Band.
37.Due to incorrect work of the .NET Framework compiler and enabled optimization of code the error occured when exporting to PDF.
38.Drawing of the border for Doughnut Series.
39.Export to CSV. Now when you export the numeric values, the character (non-breaking space) is replaced by a regular space so digits with delimited groups are correctly opened in MS Excel.

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