November 2010

News26 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

Ability to select the type of properties panel configuration in the Property Grid

This feature is designed to simplify using the properties panel and hide the properties that are rarely used by the developer or not used at all.
News26 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

dot Connect Universal and MS Access adapters

The first adapter is designed for dot Connect Universal provider.
News26 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

A new Import.RTF tool is added to Reports.Net, Reports.Wpf and Reports.Ultimate reporting tools

This tool allows you to quickly and easily convert your .rtf document to the .mrt format of our reporting tool.
News17 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

Royal TPG Post KIX 4-State barcode can now be used in Stimulsoft Reports

We are working on extending the amount of bar-codes which can be used in our products.
News17 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

The Chart component is added in Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight. It is possible to show graphs in reports

Graphical representation of data is now possible in Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight.
News4 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

In the Video section of our sute a new section with reels, showing step by step instructions of designing various types of reports, is added

In the Video section of our sute a new section with reels, showing step by step instructions of designing various types of reports, is added.
News4 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

New themes in Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight. In the first official release of the software only one theme was available

New themes in Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight.
News3 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

New themes in Stimulsoft Reports.Net. Stimulsoft Reports.Net expands the list of supported themes

New themes in Stimulsoft Reports.Net.
News3 Nov 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

Ribbon UI in the report viewer is added in Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf

Our developers continue improving Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf - reporting tool for Windows Presentation Foundation.

October 2010

News1 Oct 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

We are glad to announce the release of version 2010.2 of our product Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight

We are glad to announce the release of version 2010.2 of our product Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight - a reporting tool, designed for using in Silverlight.
News1 Oct 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

We are glad to announce the release Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Silverlight version 2010.2

We are glad to announce the release Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Silverlight version 2010.2 - a web-based report designer, using what you can change the report directly in the web browser.
News1 Oct 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

We are proud to announce the availability of Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate version 2010.2

With this release, we are proud to announce the availability of numerous changes, enhancements, and improvements.
News1 Oct 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

We are proud to announce the immediate availability of Stimulsoft Reports.Net 2010.2

We are proud to announce the immediate availability of Stimulsoft Reports.Net 2010.2.
News1 Oct 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

Our team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf version 2010.2

Our team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf.
News1 Oct 2010  ·  Andrew Savin

We are glad to announce the newest version of Stimulsoft Reports.Web 2010.2

We are glad to announce the newest version of Stimulsoft Reports.Web 2010.2.
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