August 2011

News5 Aug 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

Store Your Reports in Clouds

Stimulsoft Reports software features are developed every day.
News5 Aug 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

WCF Server Support Updated on September, 27

We have already announced in our news on January 18, 2011 support of WCF in Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight reporting tool.
Blog4 Aug 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

Conditions – Understandable for Everyone/Icon Set

The fifth and the final article from the series "Conditions - Understandable for Everyone" will unveil all the questions you may have about the Icon Set Condition.

July 2011

Blog29 Jul 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

ToWords and ToCurrencyWords

When preparing many legal documents, especially reports, we often need to provide a numeric value in words.
Blog26 Jul 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

Conditions – Understandable for Everyone/Color Sсale Condition

Conditions - Understandable for Everyone.
News25 Jul 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

WCF Server Update

We have already announced in our news on January 18, 2011 support of WCF in Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight reporting tool.
Blog21 Jul 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

How High Clouds Go

A Few Words What we all know about clouds?
Blog18 Jul 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

Conditions - Understandable for Everyone. Article Three: The Data Bar Condition

Conditions - Understandable for Everyone.
Blog12 Jul 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

A new article is published: "Conditions – Understandable for Everyone/Highlight Condition"

It was not long time passed when a new article of the series "Conditions - Understandable for Everyone" is published.
Blog7 Jul 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

The first article is published: "Conditions Understandable for Everyone"

About What All This?
News6 Jul 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

Our Blog is open. Welcome!

Our company is pleased to announce Blog launch.

June 2011

News27 Jun 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports Product Line: New Types of Charts are Added

We are pleased to announce that our tools of Stimulsoft Reports Product Line support new types of charts: Bubble, Radar Point, Radar Line, and Radar Area.
News27 Jun 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports.Fx Product Line: Export to CSV is Added

CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a text format that is used to represent table data.
News20 Jun 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for Java Now Available on Our Site

Today our company is pleased to announce the release of the first version of a new report generator - Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for Java - a software, designed to create reports for the Java technology.

May 2011

News31 May 2011  ·  Andrew Savin

The new utility Import.ReportSharpShooter is added and available on our site

Our company is expanding the list of tools for importing reports that make it easier to migrate to our reporting tools with products from other companies.
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