This example shows how to edit a report template in the designer. First, load scripts:
@using Stimulsoft.Base
@using Stimulsoft.Report
@using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor
@using Stimulsoft.Report.Web

Then, add report designer:
<!--Report Designer-->
<StiBlazorDesigner Report="@Report" OnSaveReport="@OnSaveReport" />

After that, create empty report object and load report template:
    //Report object to use in Designer
    private StiReport Report;

    protected override void OnInitialized()

        //Create empty report object
        this.Report = new StiReport();

        //Load report template


Finally, create save method:

	private void OnSaveReport(StiSaveReportEventArgs args)

На скриншоте ниже Вы можете увидеть результат выполнения данного кода:

Editing a Report Template in the Designer

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