Новые возможности
1.A button displaying the options bar in the viewer
2.A new BrowserTitle property for the StiWebViewerFx component
3.A new FilterEngine for the Data Band component, allows using filters in the SQL query of the selected data source
4.A new function is added: ToWordsFa
5.A new Page Setup dialog
6.A new panel and editor of the variables
7.A new report.Dictionary.RemoveUnusedDataSourcesV2 method is added
8.A new StiWebViewerFxOptions.PrintQuality option
9.A new StiWebViewerFxOptions.Toolbar.ShowMainToolbar option
10.A new StiWebViewerFxOptions.Toolbar.ShowParametersButton option
11.A new StiWebViewerFxOptions.Toolbar.ShowParametersPanel option
12.A new Topmost property for the Border
13.A new type of chart is added. This is a Bubble chart
14.A Report Setup dialog
15.A Value Tag is added to the SeriesLabels.LegendValueType property
16.Ability to change the page order in Designer.Web
17.Ability to customize globalization of a report in the Web Designer
18.Ability to print into a PDF file in WebViewerFx
19.DHS currency now supported in ToCurrencyWords function
20.Drill-Down Interaction for WebViewerFx
21.GoogleDocs storing is available now in all report designers
22.Method StiReport.LocalizeReport is added
23.New series labels types are added. These are Left, Value, Right
24.New types of charts are added. These are Radar Point, Radar Line and Radar Area
25.Report Checker in Designer.Web
26.Selecting properties panel configuration
27.Showing "Rendering ..." inscription on not yet drawn report pages in the WebViewerFx component
28.Support of Google Docs
29.TextBefore and TextAfter properties is added to the Radar Axis title
30.The FilterEngine property is added to the DataBand
31.The Find Next function is added to the Report Tree
32.The following oprions are added StiWebViewerFxOptions.Toolbar.ShowNavigateToolbar, StiWebViewerFxOptions.Toolbar.ShowViewModeToolbar, StiWebDesignerOptions.Viewer.Toolbar.ShowNavigateToolbar, StiWebDesignerOptions.Viewer.Toolbar.ShowViewModeToolbar
33.The Interaction for all types of series in charts
34.The parameters menu for the components property panel
35.Two monitors support in WinForms

1.Choose and Switch functions now work in the interpretation mode
2.Some changes in an export to the HTML format
3.Some changes in EngineV2
4.Some changes in the export to PDF format: work with text trimming
5.Some changes in the export to the PDF format
6.Some changes with the EndRender event of a report
7.Some corrections in the Import.ActiveReports tool
8.Some improvements in the Crystal import tool
9.Some improvements in the export to HTML
10.Some optimizations of an export to the Excel/Excel 2007 format
11.The Range engine in Charts is fully redesigned

Исправлены ошибки
1.A bug when working with chart styles
2.A bug with Drill-Down in Designer.Web and WebViewerFx
3.A bug with rotated barcodes
4.A bug with Series Labels selection in some cases
5.A bug with the choice of the business object to the Data Band
6.A bug with the dotConnectUniversal and EffiProz connections in the web designer
7.A bug with the EmptyValue property in the Cross Tab component
8.A bug with the tag `li` when using HTML tags in a text
9.A bug with Thumbnails when showing a new report
10.A problem when selecting filters in the Cross-tab in Designer.Web
11.A problem with Custom Styles of Chart and the WebViewerFx component
12.A problem with the Scatter Chart in some cases
13.A selected DataRelation was not loaded for the Cross-Tab component
14.An error in displaying the attached property in the Properties panel
15.An error in displaying the QR Code
16.An error in the Advanced Border Editor in Designer.Web
17.An error of loading a report with the Data Source from CrossTab
18.An error of positioning of the search bar in WebViewerFx
19.An error when changing the panel size of components, leading to incorrect behavior of the designer
20.An error when closing a watermark image editor, if the picture was not defined
21.An error when copying a Cross-tab in Designer.Web
22.An error when creating a variable using the context menu in Designer.Web
23.An error when displaying a panel of switching pages in Designer.Web, if there are many pages
24.An error when displaying information in the header of a Data Band in Web Designer
25.An error when displaying some errors of compiling the report
26.An error when loading a report using EffiProz and DotConnectUniversal data sources
27.An error when printing a CheckBox
28.An error when printing a CheckBox component
29.An error when processing the HTML tag
30.An error when saving multi-level conditions in Designer.Web
31.An error when saving the report in a web designer with advanced types of data columns
32.An error when selecting a data column for charts, filters, sorting, if a relation is used
33.An error when selecting column data in the band Interaction
34.An error when selecting several parameters of Hierarchical Band in Designer.Web
35.An error when using a specified style to the selected component on the designer page
36.An error with chart filters
37.An error with Data from Other Data Source
38.An error with Drill-Down in the Pie Chart
39.An error with the Custom Chart Style
40.Bugs in min module in Barcode Code39 and Code93
41.Column types were not loaded, if they had different Name in Source, Name and Alias values
42.Crash when clicking the image in the Style Editor
43.Crash when using standard styles in the Web Designer
44.Data dictionary and variables were not present in some Interaction properties in Designer.Web
45.Enhanced parameters of the variables (added to the lists) in the Web Designer
46.Errors with scrolling names of properties in the Properties panel
47.Images on a page of the report, loaded at designer launch, were not displayed
48.Improved support for reports in a web designer using business objects
49.In Designer.Web, it was impossible to set the data source, if it has different name and alias
50.In some cases Cross-tables cells can jump to another container in Designer.Web
51.In some cases incorrect moving (upward and backward) elements of the data dictionary in Web Designer
52.In some cases, when loading a report, wrong page sizes were set
53.Incorrect positioning of components in the band, in some cases
54.It was possible to remove the Locked component out the report page
55.Offset when printing, if the page orientation did not coincide with the orientation of the printer
56.Possibility to set any separator character of fractions in Designer.Web
57.Report Checker is improved in Designer.Web
58.Small bugs with exports and indicators
59.Some bugs in function XML parser
60.Some bugs in the DBF adapter
61.Some bugs in the export services
62.Some bugs in the export to HTML in ReportCacheMode
63.Some bugs in the function parser
64.Some bugs when editing a DataSource from Other DataSource in Web Designer
65.Some bugs with advanced border drawing
66.Some bugs with an export to PDF in multithreading
67.Some bugs with big images
68.Some bugs with Business Objects
69.Some bugs with chart drawing
70.Some bugs with container size calculation
71.Some bugs with drawing a zipcode component
72.Some bugs with exporting formulas to the Excel 2007 format
73.Some bugs with exporting of rotated images
74.Some bugs with exports in the StiWebViewerFx component
75.Some bugs with HTML Tags exporting to the Word 2007 format
76.Some bugs with interactions and the EngineV1
77.Some bugs with interpretation and component conditions
78.Some bugs with printing to OneNote
79.Some bugs with Rich Text components exporting to the Word 2007 format
80.Some bugs with text size calculation which is placed in static bands
81.Some bugs with the ChildBand
82.Some bugs with the condition in Designer.Web
83.Some bugs with the ExcelDataValue and AssignExpression option
84.Some bugs with the ExcelValue property
85.Some bugs with the export to Excel
86.Some bugs with the export to PDF and glass brush
87.Some bugs with the report cache mode in some cases
88.Some bugs with the Send Email function
89.Some bugs with the StiDictionary class
90.Some bugs with the ToolTip in the Report Checker
91.Some bugs with the ValueEnd expression of Gantt series
92.Some bugs with viewing Business Objects
93.Some bugs with virtual data sources
94.Some changes in page breaking engine
95.Some changes in the export to the Power Point format
96.Some changes with groups and sortings
97.Some correction in Code128Auto bar code
98.Some improvements in the Standard and Master-Detail Wizard in Designer.Web
99.Some improvements of the text dialog in Designer.Web
100.Some issues with big charts and the report engine
101.Some issues with connection editors in the WinForms Report Designer
102.Some issues with the function parser and the cSumIf function
103.Some issues with the Median function
104.Some problems with business objects binding in dialogs
105.Some problems with the column groups in the DataSource from Other DataSource
106.Some problems with the variable editor form
107.Some problems with the WYSIWYG mode and small font sizes
108.Some problems with using the Strikeout font style in conditions
109.The cursor was not placed on the required position in case of an error of report compilation
110.The Image Rotation property did not work for images
111.The newly created item in the data dictionary in Web Designer was not selected
112.The Save button was not disabled when setting the appropriate option
113.When closing the dialog box immediately after editing values, they could not be saved in Designer.Web
114.When re-saving a report on the server the file name from the report was removed
115.When reducing the width to 720 dots unnecessary scrollbars of StiWebViewerFx appeared
116.When using the Report Wizard, the system variable {ReportName} will be used as a title

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