Новые возможности |
1. | The ability to use isWizardUsed in the arguments of the onCreateReport event is added. Using this flag, you can find out if the wizard is being used to create a new report.V2021.3.3 |
2. | The ability to print some bands on odd and even pages is added.V2021.3.1RJS |
3. | We have added the ability to set default values for variables of the "List" type.V2021.3.1RJS |
4. | Added the ability to sort items in the data dictionary.V2021.3.1RJS |
5. | The ability to copy components from one browser tab to another was added.V2021.3.5RJS |
6. | We have added a map of Afghanistan for the "Map" component in reports and the "Region Map" element in dashboards.V2021.3.1RJS |
7. | Animation for displaying Stacked Area and Full Stacked Area charts is added.V2021.3.1RJS |
8. | The ability to support custom values for the "Check Box" component is added.V2021.3.3RJS |
9. | The ability to set all export settings on the PHP server-side in the onBeginExportReport event.V2021.3.1 |
10. | The ability to send a new report to the server-side and back when using the onCreateReport event is added.V2021.3.3 |
11. | The ability to print on even and odd pages of the "Page Footer" band is added.V2021.3.3RJS |
Улучшения |
1. | Some commands in the report wizards are updated.V2021.3.1RJS |
2. | When exporting a report to the HTML format, the Gradient/Glare brushes are now passed as native elements.V2021.3.4RJS |
3. | The function for working with the event handler has been replaced with Stimulsoft.Helper.process() to fix the compatibility of namespaces. Previous options work without changes.V2021.3.1 |
4. | The algorithm to process duplicate variable values was updated.V2021.3.7RJS |
5. | The list of formats for exporting the report and added missing ones on the side of the PHP script is updated.V2021.3.1 |
6. | Icons and logos for applications and services are updated.V2021.3.1RJS |
7. | The "format" argument in the onEmailReport event now returns the Enum export type instead of its name. The name is passed in the "formatName" argument.V2021.3.1RJS |
Исправлены ошибки |
1. | A bug with double applying the "Line Spacing" property when the "Allow Html Tags" option is enabled for text report components is fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
2. | When exporting a report to Microsoft Excel, the error in processing filters for bands is fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
3. | An issue related to exporting reports and dashboard to the SVG file is fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
4. | A problem related to the processing of dates and variable aliases is fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
5. | The error in the "Process At" property for text report components is fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
6. | A problem with segmented pages by height and width in Web viewer is fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
7. | The error with processing the "Map" component in the online mode, when it is placed on the "Data Band", was fixed.V2021.3.4RJS |
8. | The error in processing the "Cross-Tab" component when it is placed on the "Data Band"was fixed.V2021.3.4RJS |
9. | An issue related to the localization of report events is fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
10. | Some issues related to the preview settings of reports and dashboards were fixed.V2021.3.4RJS |
11. | In the "Dot-Matrix" report view mode, the error of text right alignment was fixed.V2021.3.6RJS |
12. | The error related to displaying icons in the "Columns" chart type is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
13. | A problem occurred when exporting a report to the PDF file related to the processing of the "Prevent Intersection" property for chart titles.V2021.3.7RJS |
14. | A bug related to the same page height and padding was fixed.V2021.3.7RJS |
15. | A bug with the location of controls on the search bar when the "Right to Left" mode is enabled was fixed.V2021.3.7RJS |
16. | A problem with displaying borders for the "Gauge" component in reports was fixed.V2021.3.7RJS |
17. | A bug with sorting data in a report by an expression that contains a function or a calculated data column.V2021.3.6RJS |
18. | A bug related to custom styles for the "Gauge" component and element.V2021.3.6RJS |
19. | For the JS engine of the reporting tool, support was added for the TrimStart, TrimEnd, PadLeft, PadRight methods for the string type.V2021.3.6RJS |
20. | A bug with collapsing and expanding hierarchical lists in reports was fixed.V2021.3.4RJS |
21. | The error with processing the value of the "Reverse Horizontal" property for bar charts.V2021.3.6RJS |
22. | Some problems when using JS components for the Angular platform were fixed.V2021.3.5RJS |
23. | The error related to the processing of DateTime for reports and dashboards was fixed.V2021.3.5RJS |
24. | Some problems related to custom data adapters were fixed.V2021.3.5RJS |
25. | An error related to processing SQL queries for Node.js data adapters was fixed.V2021.3.5RJS |
26. | A problem related to resetting the date and the same aliases in variables was fixed.V2021.3.5RJS |
27. | The error of displaying the icons of the "Indicator" element, when processing negative values in it, was fixed.V2021.3.7RJS |
28. | A problem related to copying report components to the dashboard and vice versa is fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
29. | An error with exporting to the HTML file for the "Chart" component of "Stepped range" type is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
30. | An issue with displaying an error message in the onEndExportReport event is fixed.V2021.3.1 |
31. | A bug with X axis labels with DateTime data type for the Gantt chart was fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
32. | Errors when working with a custom database adapter are fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
33. | A bug with getting an image from the database is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
34. | The error of processing SVG images when exporting a report and dashboard to an HTML file.V2021.3.1RJS |
35. | The error occurred with processingvthe relation direction in JSON data sources.V2021.3.1RJS |
36. | We have fixed a bug related to vertical alignment of text in the div mode of a component.V2021.3.1RJS |
37. | An error related to loading an *.mrt file with JSON markup into the report designer is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
38. | A bug related to running scripts in some cases is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
39. | An error occurred when publishing a project in which the values of the report parameters were changed on the PHP server-side.V2021.3.1 |
40. | Some minor issue in the watermark editor are fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
41. | A bug with date format for variables is fixed.V2021.3.2RJS |
42. | A bug related to the work of the undo/redo commands was fixed.V2021.3.3RJS |
43. | The error of exporting the "Progress" element to the HTML file is fixed.V2021.3.2RJS |
44. | The error with processing some date formats in reports and dashboards is fixed.V2021.3.2RJS |
45. | An issue with using the SumDistinct function in reports.V2021.3.2RJS |
46. | When exporting a report to PDF, the error of text encoding for some fonts is fixed.V2021.3.2RJS |
47. | Working of the ColorEarch property for a Clustered Bar chart is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
48. | Not all export types available for publishing to JavaScript and PHP projects were displayed.V2021.3.1RJS |
49. | A bug related to calling the save window when exporting a report or dashboard to an HTML file is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
50. | A problem with data drill-down in an external report when this report is located in the resources of the main report is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |
51. | A problem related to the visibility of grid lines for a chart in dashboards is fixed.V2021.3.1RJS |