Stimulsoft Reports.JS 2019.1

Опубликовано 18 декабря 2018
Новые возможности
1.New functions were added - StrToDateTime, StrToNullableDateTime and TryParseDateTime.
2.New maps - South America, USA and Canada, North America.

1.ReportChecker. Two irrelevant checks for images were removed.
2.Improved string to DateTime conversion.

Исправлены ошибки
1.Export to Word/Excel. The exception occurred, if image was null.
2.Some errors when handling null values in the report engine.
3.Filters. In the "Data is Expression" mode, the conditions "contains" / "begin with" did not work.
4.Printing of a report to PDF in the Firefox browser.
5.ViewData requested all data sources, and then once again the needed one.
6.EngineV2. The state of the Enabled property of the page is not restored after Condition is applied.
7.In some cases, if there were hyperlinks incorrectly set, the corrupted file could be obtained.
8.A bug with ColorEach in maps in the preview.

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