Новые возможности
1.Export to PDF - added support for document encriprions: RC4 algorithm, 40 bit encryption key length (Acrobat 7). RC4 algorithm, 128 bit encryption key length (Acrobat 7). AES algorithm, 256 bit encryption key length, revision 5 (Acrobat 9). AES algorithm, 256 bit encryption key length, revision 6 (Acrobat X). - added support for document restrictions.
2.Redesigned editing forms for components - DataSetup.
3.Updated the appearance of the form Image used for editing the component StiImage.
4.System variables in WebDesigner.
5.All basic properties of the Group Header Band are moved to the new editing form.

1.Changes in the XSD parser.

Исправлены ошибки
1.The button Save could not be disabled in the theme Office2013 when using the corresponding option in Flash Designer.
2.Exporting the HTML text as text to Word and Excel.
3.AJAX request timeout in WebViewer.
4.Some issues in the PDF export.
5.Datetime DB row parsing.
6.Some minor fixes in WebDesigner.
7.Some visual issues in the theme Office 2013 for Flash Designer and Viewer.
8.Flex based designer/viewer export by JAVA engine.
9.Avoid data caching in WebViewer and WebDesigner.
10.Concurrent caching in exports.

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