Stimulsoft Dashboards.PHP 2022.2

Опубликовано 22 марта 2022
Новые возможности
1.We added the ability to define a condition to expand rows and columns in the "Pivot Table" element.
2.We added the ability to define the sort direction for columns and rows of the "Pivot Table" element, using the "Sort Direction" property of the corresponding data fields of the element.

1.We updated the .NET Core data adapter for JavaScript components.

Исправлены ошибки
1.We fixed some bugs that were displayed in the browser console when connecting data in the report and dashboard.
2.We fixed a bug related to displaying the "Dictionary" panel when going to the "Preview" tab.
3.We fixed a problem related to processing and displaying a report when transferring it from the viewer to the report designer using the onDesignReport event.
4.We fixed a problem with links to JavaScript samples.
5.We fixed some errors related to cache of the parameters in the query to data storage.

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