Stimulsoft ServerThe part of Stimulsoft BI
Technical structure of the product.Server
Stimulsoft BI Server is designed on the base of the "client-server" computing architecture. It is based on the interaction of multiple clients with the server. The client-side provides data visualization and user interface. The server side provides data processing, storing, and passing the necessary information to the client application. Such a system organization has many advantages, including scalability, high reliability and security because of the isolation of levels, optimal use of network resources and data channels, and the ability to use a variety of clients for a variety of platforms.
Stimulsoft BI Server includes the server and client parts, as well as an open documented API for different platforms. All this opens the opportunity to interact with any modern programming language with our system. So it is easy to integrate Stimulsoft Server in a closed corporate environment and merge the necessary applications into a single system. Ability to change the server functionality allows doing unique enhancements suitable for special situations.
Stimulsoft BI Server includes the server and client parts, as well as an open documented API for different platforms. All this opens the opportunity to interact with any modern programming language with our system. So it is easy to integrate Stimulsoft Server in a closed corporate environment and merge the necessary applications into a single system. Ability to change the server functionality allows doing unique enhancements suitable for special situations.

The interior architecture of the reports and dashboards server is built on the concept of streams that are asynchronous handlers of information. Server operation requires the solution of several classes of tasks, each of which has its types of streams. The number of threads of different types is optimized for efficient server tasks. The load is distributed between them to provide maximum system performance.
For storing system and user information, we use one of the relational databases, Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL. Both of them have high performance and reliability. They provide storing vast volumes of information and easy integration into the infrastructure.