New Features |
1. | A new AllowApplyStyle property is added to Chart |
2. | A new Glass Brush brush type is added |
3. | A new Image Compression Method property is added to the PDF export |
4. | A new Import.CrystalReports.exe tool is added to Stimulsoft Reports.Web |
5. | A new ITF14 type of barcodes |
6. | A new Label Wizard report wizard in Designer.Web |
7. | A new MergeHeaders property is added to the CrossTab Field |
8. | A new OpenLinksInFrame property is added to StiWebViewer |
9. | A new SaveMode property is added to the StiWebDesigner |
10. | A new SeriesLabels property is added to the Series |
11. | A new Sort property is added to the Cross-Tab |
12. | A new static StiOptions.Engine.OldChartPercentMode property is added |
13. | A new static StiOptions.Export.Word2007.LineHeightExactly property |
14. | A new static StiOptions.Export.Word2007.RightMarginCorrection property |
15. | A new static StiOptions.Export.Word2007.SpaceBetweenCharacters property |
16. | A new Style18 chart style is added |
17. | Charts can be used in Designer.Web |
18. | Designer.Web now supports the CheckBox component |
19. | Designer.Web now supports the Clone component |
20. | Designer.Web now supports the SubReport component |
21. | Export to Dif is added |
22. | Export to Sylk is added |
23. | Localization in Croatian is added |
24. | Localization in Hungarian is added |
25. | Localization in Polish is added |
26. | Localization in Serbian is added |
27. | Localization of the Designer.Web is added |
28. | Localization to Georgian is added |
29. | New CuttedPieList and Distance properties are added to the PieSeries |
30. | New functions are added to the Dictionary. Here are they: ToCurrencyWordsFr, ToCurrencyWordsEs, ToCurrencyWordsNl, ToCurrencyWordsEnGb and ToCurrencyWordsPtBr |
31. | New properties such as TopSide, LeftSide, BottomSide, RightSide are added to the RectanglePrimitive and the RoundedRectanglePrimitive components |
32. | New StiPage.SaveDocument, StiPage.LoadDocument methods are added |
33. | New ToWordsPl, ToCurrencyWordsPl, DateToStrPl functions are added to the report dictionary |
34. | Now Designer.Web supports data adapters |
35. | Now HTML tags can be used in exports to PDF, HTML and Rtf as a text |
36. | Now the Component Style has the Image property |
37. | Now you can change border parameters for each border sides |
38. | Now you can see report compilation errors |
39. | Now you can set some restrictions to the web designer with help of the StiWebDesignerOptions class |
40. | Now you can switch color scheme of a report designer via the Options form |
41. | The AllowHtmlTags property has been added to the Text component |
42. | The BrushType property is added to the ChartStyle |
43. | The DateTime type is supported in the CrossTab component for Max, Min, and Average functions |
44. | The DateTimePicker in the WebViewer dialogs is localized |
45. | The Font property is added to the BarCode |
46. | The ImageRotation property is added to the Image component |
47. | The KeepCrossTabTogether property is added to the Cross-Tab component |
48. | The KeepSubReportTogether property is added to the Sub-Report component |
49. | The Margins property is added to the RichText |
50. | The Master-Detail Wizard is added to Designer.Web |
51. | The MasterComponent is added to the Chart component |
52. | The OpenLinksInNewWindow property has been added to the StiWebViewer |
53. | The PostgreSql CoreLab adapter is added |
54. | The PrinterSettings.Duplex property has been added to a report |
55. | The TextAlignment property is added to the XAxis in Chart |
56. | The UniDirect adapter is added |
57. | Two chart styles Style16 and Style17 are added |
58. | We have added a combo box to the property grid |
59. | We have added the first report wizard to our Designer.Web |
Enhancements |
1. | Columns support is updated in Designer.Web |
2. | Editors for ConstantLines and Strips are added in Designer.Web |
3. | Improvements in the Report Dictionary |
4. | Now export to Excel, Excel2007 support the HideZeros property |
5. | Some improvements in GUI of the Designer.Web |
6. | Some improvements in Image, Chart and BarCodes drawing in Designer.Web |
7. | Some improvements in PDF, XPS and RTF exports |
8. | Some improvements in the export to RTF |
9. | Some improvements in the ribbon panel in Designer.Web |
10. | Some improvements in the WYSIWYG mode text rendering |
11. | Some improvements in working with Fonts in the Designer.Web |
12. | Some modifications of Designer.Web |
13. | The Cross-Tab component now can work with interaction |
14. | The Dock property is replaced on the DockStyle property. Old reports will be converted automatically |
15. | The StiWebDesignerOptions class is updated in Designer.Web |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | A bug with RenderingEvent of page |
2. | A problem with text drawing in the WYSIWYG mode in some cases |
3. | Control symbols are now displayed correctly in EAN128a, EAN128b |
4. | Incorrect behavior of the PrintOnAllPages property in some situations |
5. | Small corrections in auto series colors |
6. | Small corrections in the BarCode painter |
7. | Some bugs in report wizards in Designer.Web |
8. | Some bugs with brushes in Designer.Web |
9. | Some bugs with HTML Tags in the PDF export |
10. | Some bugs with PropertyGrid in Designer.Web |
11. | Some bugs with the Property Grid in Designer.Web |
12. | Some changes in the InvokeFullScreen method |
13. | Some corrections in drawing BarCodes with transparency in Designer.Web |
14. | Some corrections in exports |
15. | Some corrections in the BarCodes |
16. | Some corrections in the Chart Styles |
17. | Some corrections in the EngineV2 |
18. | Some corrections in the Export to Word2007 |
19. | Some corrections in the page drawing in Designer.Web |
20. | Some corrections in the progress bar in Designer.Web |
21. | Some corrections in work of the PrintOn property |
22. | Some fixes in EngineV2 |
23. | Some problems in Chart Styles |
24. | Some problems in text render on Win64 OS |
25. | Some problems in the GroupHeaderBand component in Designer.Web |
26. | Some problems with business objects |
27. | Some problems with charts |
28. | Some problems with columns |
29. | Some problems with CrossBands |
30. | Some problems with DateTime variables |
31. | Some problems with Designer.Web |
32. | Some problems with Dialogs |
33. | Some problems with export to Excel2007 |
34. | Some problems with names which contain spaces |
35. | Some problems with progress information |
36. | Some problems with sorting in the Virtual DataSources |
37. | Some problems with the border brush in Designer.Web |
38. | Some problems with the cache mode and the EngineV2 |
39. | Some problems with the Chart Title |
40. | Some problems with the cross primitives and sub-reports |
41. | Some problems with the Cross-Tab component and DateTime values |
42. | Some problems with the CrossTab component |
43. | Some problems with the DataBand component |
44. | Some problems with the Dictionary |
45. | Some problems with the EngineV1 |
46. | Some problems with the EngineV2 |
47. | Some problems with the EngineV2 and the PageNumber |
48. | Some problems with the ExcelSheet property |
49. | Some problems with the HatchBrush in Designer.Web |
50. | Some problems with the ImageUrl property and compiled reports |
51. | Some problems with the JPEG export |
52. | Some problems with the LineMarker in Charts |
53. | Some problems with the panel component |
54. | Some problems with the PreviewSettings property |
55. | Some problems with the PropertyGrid |
56. | Some problems with the PropertyGrid in Designer.Web |
57. | Some problems with the report engine |
58. | Some problems with the ResetPageNumber property |
59. | Some problems with the Scatter series |
60. | Some problems with the StiGetDrillDownReportEventHandler property |
61. | Some problems with the SubReports property |
62. | Some problems with the text brush in Designer.Web |
63. | Some problems with the Text.TextOptions property |
64. | Some problems with the ToWords function |
65. | Some problems with the UseExternalReport property of SubReport |
66. | Some problems with theme in the report designer |
67. | Some problems with threading |
68. | Some problems with Totals |
69. | Some problems with totals and components with spaces in a name |
70. | Some problems with web dialogs |
71. | Some problems with zoom in the report designer |