New Features |
1. | New maps: Africa, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, BurkinaFaso, Burundi, Cameroon, CapeVerde, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, EquatorialGuinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, RepublicOfTheCongo, Rwanda, SaoTomeAndPrincipe, Senegal, Seychelles, SierraLeone, Somalia, SouthSudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.V2024.4.1 |
2. | The ClickHouse data adapter has been added.V2024.4.1 |
3. | Support for 3D mode for various maps in reports and dashboards has been added.V2024.4.1 |
4. | For many maps, localization of labels into native languages has been added.V2024.4.1 |
5. | In user functions, support for entering script code in various languages has been added: C#, VB, JS. Script execution depends on the script language installed in the report template.V2024.4.1 |
6. | "Constant Lines" and "Strips" for 3D charts.V2024.4.1 |
7. | The new ExportSettings property has been added to the report, allowing predefined export settings to be configured for each type of export. This enables the specification of unique conditions for each report.V2024.4.1 |
Enhancements |
1. | Thumbnail color for the "Progress" style type in the Style Designer.V2024.4.3 |
2. | The ability to delete a page from the report tree has been added.V2024.4.1 |
3. | Now, the export settings options in the report take into consideration the options StiOptions.Viewer.Windows.Exports.Show.V2024.4.2 |
4. | Selecting the first control in the Label wizard.V2024.4.1 |
5. | The property Image.ImageData was renamed to Image.Expression.V2024.4.1 |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | Rotate value labels in a 3D line chart.V2024.4.2 |
2. | Error when deleting a constant line or strip if neither of these elements is selected.V2024.4.5 |
3. | Using MySqlConnetcor to connect to MariaDB data sources.V2024.4.3 |
4. | Loading and processing an event script created using Blockly in earlier versions of the Stimulsoft product.V2024.4.3 |
5. | An issue with undo-redo buffer exception in some cases has been fixed.V2024.4.3 |
6. | Processing an array of values in a JSON data source.V2024.4.4 |
7. | Double-click event on a form in template editing mode.V2024.4.4 |
8. | Saving Blockly script for user functions.V2024.4.4 |
9. | Saving the "Calculation Mode" property in the "Interpretation" mode when saving the rendered report to an MDC file with JSON markup.V2024.4.4 |
10. | Preserve the value for the "Master Component" property of the "Data Band" detail band when you undo changes to any text component on that band.V2024.4.4 |
11. | Search for stored procedures in the Select Data window.V2024.4.4 |
12. | Fetching data columns from a stored procedure.V2024.4.5 |
13. | Adding quotes to names in a query for a Postgre SQL data source.V2024.4.5 |
14. | A NuGet vulnerability with moderate severity.V2024.4.5 |
15. | Max Data Rows when editing a dashboard in the designer with a Mongo DB data source.V2024.4.5 |
16. | The issue with type converter compatibility in the custom SQL data adapter has been fixed.V2024.4.2 |
17. | A property has been added that provides the ability to automatically convert column data types. This is necessary when establishing connections between columns with different data types from different data sources.V2024.4.1 |
18. | Localization for the ToolTip property in the Chart Style has been added.V2024.4.1 |
19. | Displaying controls for a GraphQL data source.V2024.4.1 |
20. | Handling JSON data with empty values.V2024.4.1 |
21. | Map of Afghanistan in reports and dashboards.V2024.4.1 |
22. | Expressions were not taken into account when the watermark text was drawn at design time.V2024.4.1 |
23. | Display negative colors for Scatter Line charts.V2024.4.1 |
24. | Save the state of the selected ribbon layout in the report designer.V2024.4.1 |
25. | Background color when exporting a report to an image in .NET Core reporting tool.V2024.4.2 |
26. | The CastToColumnType property did not work in compilation mode.V2024.4.2 |
27. | Incorrect saving of the Gauge style font size to JSON.V2024.4.2 |