Enhancements |
1. | The export format value "Excel2007" has been replaced by the universal "Excel" value. Therefore, you now need to use the following line of code to export a report to the Microsoft Excel format: report.ExportDocument(StiExportFormat.Excel, file);. If you need to obtain the old binary format of Excel, you should use the new value - "ExcelBiff".V2024.1.3 |
2. | The export format value "Word2007" has been replaced by "Word" value. Therefore, you now need to use the following line of code to export a report to Microsoft Word format: report.ExportDocument(StiExportFormat.Word, file).V2024.1.3 |
3. | Improved image quality in PDF export.V2024.1.4 |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | DayOfWeek() function error.V2024.1.1 |
2. | Processing of the "Cross-Tab" component in reports.V2024.1.2 |
3. | A bug related to exporting the 'bold italic' font style combination when exporting a report to a PDF file has been fixed.V2024.1.2 |
4. | When exporting a report to a PDF document, a bug related to loading fonts has been fixed.V2024.1.2 |
5. | Removed storage of unencrypted password and username in *.mrt files.V2024.1.3 |
6. | Handling null values in the JSON data parser.V2024.1.3 |
7. | Using the Line system variable in reports.V2024.1.3 |
8. | Processing SVG images in reports.V2024.1.3 |
9. | A bug related to the offset and overlay of components has been fixed.V2024.1.4 |
10. | When exporting a report to a Microsoft Word file, the processing and export of HTMLl tags in the text has been fixed.V2024.1.4 |