New Features |
1. | The TopN feature for dashboard elements "Table" and "Cards".V2024.4.1 |
2. | A new property, Cells, has been added to the Pivot Table. It allows users to specify colors and fonts for the cells in the pivot table.V2024.4.1 |
3. | A new property, Cells, has been added to the table element. It allows customization of the colors and fonts for the table's columns and summaries.V2024.4.1 |
4. | A new theme, White Black, has been added to the dashboards.V2024.4.1 |
5. | Support for summary functions for the TimeSpan data type has been added to dashboards.V2024.4.1 |
6. | The ShowTitle option was added to the View States settings of the chart element, allowing the name of a view to be displayed as the chart title.V2024.4.1 |
7. | "Constant Lines" and "Strips" for 3D charts.V2024.4.1 |
8. | Interaction actions for the dashboard elements - "Cards" and "Gauges".V2024.4.1 |
9. | The ability to specify the column width of the measure column in the table element has been added.V2024.4.1 |
10. | For many maps, localization of labels into native languages has been added.V2024.4.1 |
11. | Support for 3D mode for various maps in reports and dashboards has been added.V2024.4.1 |
12. | Controls for collapsing and expanding all groups in a Pivot Table element.V2024.4.1 |
13. | The ability to add calculated measures to the text element has been added.V2024.4.1 |
14. | In user functions, support for entering script code in various languages has been added: C#, VB, JS. Script execution depends on the script language installed in the report template.V2024.4.1 |
15. | The Insert Field button has been added to the editor of the text element.V2024.4.1 |
16. | The ClickHouse data adapter has been added.V2024.4.1 |
17. | New maps: Africa, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, BurkinaFaso, Burundi, Cameroon, CapeVerde, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, EquatorialGuinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, RepublicOfTheCongo, Rwanda, SaoTomeAndPrincipe, Senegal, Seychelles, SierraLeone, Somalia, SouthSudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.V2024.4.1 |
Enhancements |
1. | The Font and ForeColor properties of the Gauge element have been moved to the SeriesLabels property group, as they pertain to the series header output settings.V2024.4.1 |
2. | Now, the export settings options in the report take into consideration the options StiOptions.Viewer.Windows.Exports.Show.V2024.4.2 |
3. | Improved export of dashboard tables to PDF.V2024.4.2 |
4. | Thumbnail color for the "Progress" style type in the Style Designer.V2024.4.3 |
5. | Some improvements have been made to the use of the user-defined BackColor property in the drawing of the table element.V2024.4.1 |
6. | The method of rendering the regional map in dashboards now uses caching to speed up the process of its display.V2024.4.4 |
7. | The UI of the Sparklines editor has been optimized.V2024.4.1 |
8. | Date and Time functions have been added to the expression editor menu.V2024.4.1 |
9. | The ability to delete a page from the report tree has been added.V2024.4.1 |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | Loading and processing an event script created using Blockly in earlier versions of the Stimulsoft product.V2024.4.3 |
2. | Filtering data in a group of dashboard elements when selecting a value in a "Table" element.V2024.4.3 |
3. | Using MySqlConnetcor to connect to MariaDB data sources.V2024.4.3 |
4. | An issue with saving the Padding property of the Image, Shape, and Panel elements in the dashboards has been fixed.V2024.4.2 |
5. | Animation speed for the "Gauge" dashboard element has been fixed.V2024.4.2 |
6. | The issue with type converter compatibility in the custom SQL data adapter has been fixed.V2024.4.2 |
7. | Incorrect saving of the Gauge style font size to JSON.V2024.4.2 |
8. | The CastToColumnType property did not work in compilation mode.V2024.4.2 |
9. | An issue with saving the indicator font to JSON has been fixed in the dashboards.V2024.4.2 |
10. | Saving Data Transformation when saving a report to a *.mrt file with JSON markup.V2024.4.5 |
11. | An issue with undo-redo buffer exception in some cases has been fixed.V2024.4.3 |
12. | Displaying the minimum and maximum fields in the Gauge dashboard element editor.V2024.4.3 |
13. | Processing an array of values in a JSON data source.V2024.4.4 |
14. | Availability of the data column from the "End value" field of the "Gantt" chart type when setting up conditional formatting of the chart (Conditions).V2024.4.4 |
15. | Search for stored procedures in the Select Data window.V2024.4.4 |
16. | Fetching data columns from a stored procedure.V2024.4.5 |
17. | Adding quotes to names in a query for a Postgre SQL data source.V2024.4.5 |
18. | A NuGet vulnerability with moderate severity.V2024.4.5 |
19. | Max Data Rows when editing a dashboard in the designer with a Mongo DB data source.V2024.4.5 |
20. | Incorrect text size in dashboards when the "SizeMode" option is set to "Fit".V2024.4.1 |
21. | An issue where the TopN UI was displayed in the table element editor when no fields were present has been fixed.V2024.4.1 |
22. | A property has been added that provides the ability to automatically convert column data types. This is necessary when establishing connections between columns with different data types from different data sources.V2024.4.1 |
23. | Localization for the ToolTip property in the Chart Style has been added.V2024.4.1 |
24. | Displaying controls for a GraphQL data source.V2024.4.1 |
25. | Incorrect positioning of dashboard element editors when using multiple monitors.V2024.4.1 |
26. | Save the state of the selected ribbon layout in the report designer.V2024.4.1 |
27. | Removed extra spaces in the "Date Picker" dashboard element.V2024.4.1 |
28. | Handling JSON data with empty values.V2024.4.1 |
29. | Map of Afghanistan in reports and dashboards.V2024.4.1 |
30. | Display negative colors for Scatter Line charts.V2024.4.1 |
31. | Displaying the "Date Picker" element when viewing a dashboard in a WPF viewer.V2024.4.1 |
32. | Saving the value of the Visible property for horizontal lines of the chart area when saving a report to an mrt file with JSON markup.V2024.4.1 |
33. | Viewing a dashboard with the "Cards" element, in cases where the controls in the interaction editor are disabled.V2024.4.1 |
34. | Enable and disable columns in the "Table" element when viewing the dashboard in the WPF viewer.V2024.4.1 |