Dear users of Stimulsoft software and readers of our blog! We are improving our reporting software and business analytics tools and are pleased to announce the upcoming release 2020.5 of Stimulsoft software.

The new version will contain multiple updates and enhancements. We are going to unveil some of them on pages of our blog. If you have some questions, please contact us, we are glad to help you.

Conditions in Progress element

Competent business analytics gives an opportunity to make rational decisions. With the help of data analytics many companies can track their performance: for instance they can calculate the number of produced product, build sales funnels, analyze financial performance, compare current results with last years results and on the basis of this engage strategic marketing.

Day in and day out, we work on the tools for dashboard and reports development and constantly improve our products. Today we are glad to introduce you a new Progress element`s feature – Conditions, which will be available in the next release 2020.5 version.

This feature has a wonderful property, depending on a chosen condition you can change a current element`s font style, color of its meaning, and track`s color. This is an excellent feature for business analytics and KPI tracking.

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