Time is running very fast, and there is a couple of weeks before the release of the new version 2015.1. Meanwhile, the development and improvement of components is not stopping even for a minute. And now it is safe to tell you about adding new features in StiMvcViewer that is a part of Stimulsoft Reports.Web. One of the most anticipated features is that in the nearest release, the new Viewer for MVC will support more than 15 color themes of the user interface. This will give you the opportunity to choose color preferences which are the most pleasant to you and matching your requirements. Here are a few of the themes on the picture below.
UltimateSupported platforms are WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET (MVC, WebForms), .NET Core (MVC, Razor), Blazor (Server, Wasm), JavaScript, Node.js, Angular, PHP, Python, Java, Avalonia, and various frameworks built on these platforms. This kit includes all embedded solutions of reports, dashboards and forms. |
Reports.WEBASP.NET, MVC, .NET Core, Angular, Blazor |
Reports.NETWinForms, .NET Core, .NET, .NET Framework |
Reports.JSJavaScript, Node.js, Angular, React, Vue.js |
Reports.WPFWPF, .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET |
Reports.PHPPHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8 |
Reports.BLAZORBlazor Server, Blazor Wasm |
Reports.ANGULARAll actively supported versions |
Reports.AVALONIA.NET 6+ |
Reports.PYTHONPython 3.10+, JavaScript |
Reports.JAVAJava™ SE 1.8+ |
Dashboards.WEBASP.NET, MVC, Blazor, .NET Core, .NET |
Dashboards.WINWinForms, WPF, .NET Core, .NET, .NET Framework |
Dashboards.JSJavaScript, Node.js, Angular, React, Vue.js |
Dashboards.PHPPHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8 |
Dashboards.BLAZORBlazor Server, Blazor Wasm |
Dashboards.ANGULARAll actively supported versions |
Dashboards.PYTHONPython 3.10+, JavaScript |
BI CloudA cloud service to quickly and efficiently analyze and visualize data for your business without creating your applications and programming. |
BI DesignerA sturdy product that runs on any computer and any platform. |
BI ServerA complete set of tools for working with reports and dashboards, as well as user management and automation tools. |