Today, we will discuss the possibility of passing HTTP headers when connecting JSON data sources.

HTTP Headers

Not long ago, in the editor for connecting JSON data sources, it became possible to define HTTP headers. Essentially, these are request HTTP headers that can be defined through the GUI in the report designer.

HTTP headers


In what cases is this relevant?

This is relevant in cases where JSON data is obtained from a URL using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. Accordingly, if the URL begins with http:// or https://, then the data will be loaded through the WebClient. In this scenario, it is possible to configure request HTTP headers in the form of a Key-Value pair in the data source editor.

Practical use of HTTP headers

Request HTTP headers allow you to send additional information with the request. Using HTTP headers, you can determine the type of content, its encoding, and, in general, everything that is supported via the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. One of the most common uses of HTTP header functionality is in the area of data security. For example, a user may want to limit the circle of people to whom they send data. In this case, implementing the transfer of a secret Bearer Token in the request header is feasible.

Directly transmitting the login and password in unencrypted form in the HTTP headers is not recommended for security reasons.
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