Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | The "MonthIdent" function now supports an abbreviation of the month.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
2. | The new "Table of Contents" component is added to the report engine.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRJSRWpfRPHPRJavaBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
3. | The ability to drag and drop columns in the "Table" element when viewing the dashboard was added.V2021.1.1RNetBIDesigner |
4. | The "Size" property is added to the "Dimension" columns of the "Table" element. Also, the "Word Wrap" property is added to the "Table" element.V2021.1.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
5. | The "Frozen Columns" property is added to the "Table" element.V2021.1.1DWinBIDesigner |
6. | The new "Show Total" property was added to the columns and rows headers of the pivot element.V2021.1.1DWinBIDesigner |
7. | The "Total Label" property is added to the pivot's columns and rows.V2021.1.1DWinBIDesigner |
8. | PDO data adapters for MS SQL, MySQL, Firebird, Oracle, and PostgreSQL data storages were added.V2021.1.1RPHP |
9. | Added support for icon scalability when viewing reports in WPF.V2021.1.1RWpf |
10. | Support for an extended list of items for the "Shape" menu on the WPF v1 report designer toolbox was added.V2021.1.1RWpf |
11. | The ability to configure report viewing options in the WPF v2 report designer was added.V2021.1.1RWpf |
12. | Added the ability to switch between editable "Check Box" components using the Tab key when viewing reports in the WPF viewer.V2021.1.1RWpf |
13. | The ability to select an icon for the "Image" component on the properties panel in the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
14. | The OpenConnection function for HTML5 designer was added. With this new option, you can configure and set custom request headers (for example, authorization).V2021.1.1RWeb |
15. | A new data adapter for connecting to the Google BigQuery data store and retreiving data from this service was added.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpfDWinBIDesigner |
16. | Added the ability to configure restrictions for a specific variable.V2021.1.1RWebRJSDWebDJS |
17. | The ability to use expressions when conditionally formatting the "Chart" element on the dashboard was added.V2021.1.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloud |
18. | The ability to use predefined styles when conditionally formatting report components was added.V2021.1.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloud |
19. | The ability to use expressions when conditionally formatting the "Chart" element on the dashboard was added.V2021.1.1RNetRWpfDWebDWinDJSBIDesignerBIDesktop |
20. | The ability for node.js to specify header and "crypt" command when using remote URL in data adapter was fixed.V2021.1.1RJS |
21. | Support for Antiforgery Token in the HTML5 Viewer ad HTML5 Designer for .NET Core and .NET 5 was added.V2021.1.1RWeb |
22. | Export to PDF now supports the 'href' HTML tag.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
23. | Export to Word now supports for the 'href' HTML tag.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
Verbesserungen |
1. | Updated and optimized the algorithm for calling the filtering menu with a large number of data lines.V2021.1.1DWebDWinDJS |
2. | Some improvements in the country codes while searching in the "Map" element.V2021.1.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
3. | Resizing of the "Cross-Tab" editor form was added.V2021.1.1RNetBIDesignerBIDesktop |
4. | The "Sort" property of the "Cross-Tab" component is hidden now because it is not been frequently used.V2021.1.1RNetRWpfBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
5. | The dashboard engine now supports real-time refreshing of the text element, which contains the Time variable.V2021.1.1DWinBIDesignerBIServer |
6. | Some improvements regarding the flickering of the dashboard viewer via processing the "Refresh Time" property.V2021.1.1DWinBIDesigner |
7. | The algorithm for updating dashboard components using a timer in the WPF viewer has been optimized.V2021.1.1DWin |
8. | Updated the algorithm for adding outline strokes in report wizards.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
9. | The algorithm for drawing templates of styles for the "Cross-Tab" component on the Ribbon panel in the report designer has been updated.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
10. | The algorithm for displaying the "File" menu in the WPF report designer was optimized.V2021.1.1RWpf |
11. | Updated the algorithm for displaying the user avatar on the WPF Ribbon tab of the report designer.V2021.1.1RWpf |
12. | The algorithm for designing reports using the wizard in the WPF report designer was updated and optimized.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
13. | The algorithm for displaying the "Map" component editor in the WPF report designer was updated.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
14. | The algorithm for processing and filling the background of labels for the "Chart" component in the WPF report designer was optimized.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
15. | The algorithm for processing and displaying icons in the "Image" component when editing a report in WPF v1 was updated.V2021.1.1RWpf |
16. | Editors of the "Image" component in the WPF v1 and WPF v2 report designers were optimized and synchronized.V2021.1.1RWpf |
17. | Culture editors in WPF v1 and WPF v2 report designers were optimized and synchronized.V2021.1.1RWpf |
18. | The algorithm for displaying a thumbnail of the current style of an element on the Ribbon tab in the report designer was updated.V2021.1.1RNet |
19. | The algorithm for displaying the available styles in the property panel for the "Sparkline" component in the WPF report designer was updated.V2021.1.1RWpf |
20. | The algorithm for calling the "Get Started" window in the WPF report designer was updated.V2021.1.1RWpf |
21. | The report caching algorithm was updated and optimized.V2021.1.1RWebDWeb |
22. | The algorithm for processing a dashboard table with a large number of data rows was updated and optimized.V2021.1.1DJS |
23. | The editor for setting colors in the report designer was updated.V2021.1.1DWebDWinBIDesignerBIDesktop |
24. | A menu for creating XML connection in the report designer was updated.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | The "First Row Is Header" property was not saved to the JSON format of the report.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRJSRWpfDWebDWinDJSBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktopBIServer |
2. | Incorrect specification of default values for the "OnClick" property in the Indicator element was fixed.V2021.1.1DWebDWinBIDesigner |
3. | Some looping issues during the report rendering of the clone component were fixed.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpfBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
4. | Some issues with not loading data into the "Map" component from the data transformation source was fixed.V2021.1.1RNetBIDesignerBIServer |
5. | Now you can change properties of each table column in the Property panel by clicking on the table column header.V2021.1.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIDesktop |
6. | When publishing a report, a bug with a closing bracket in the license key was fixed.V2021.1.1RJava |
7. | Fixed an issue with duplicating names in the custom fonts category in the font selection menu.V2021.1.1RWebDWeb |
8. | The availability of "StiDesignerControl" in the Visual Studio toolbox is reverted.V2021.1.1RNet |
9. | A bug related to measures in the text component was fixed.V2021.1.1RJava |
10. | Incorrect naming of the column label of the table element was fixed.V2021.1.1DWin |
11. | The error with using the digital signature when exporting a report to a PDF documen was fixedt.V2021.1.1RJava |
12. | The error related to the processing of the "href" tag when exporting a report to a PDF document was fixed.V2021.1.1RJava |
13. | Some issues with styles in the Cross-tab editor were fixed.V2021.1.1RNetBIDesigner |
14. | The error with the NPE processing in InitVars action was fixed.V2021.1.1RJava |
15. | A bug with resetting the filter of the "Chart" element when viewing a dashboard in WPF was fixed.V2021.1.1DWin |
16. | A bug with opening a hyperlink when clicking on the "Chart" component was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
17. | Displaying of icons for various types of the "Chart" component on the WPF report designer toolbar was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
18. | The algorithm of drawing the "Gauge" elements when they intersect on the dashboard was fixed.V2021.1.1DWin |
19. | The error with inheriting the value for the "Fore Color" property when creating a style of the "Indicator" type was fixed.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
20. | The error when selecting the HTML report view mode in the WPF v2 report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
21. | A problem with displacement of the watermark with a non-standard report page size in the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
22. | The error with handling incorrect property values in the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
23. | A bug with loading a report file that contains a dashboard into the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
24. | An error in the editor of the "Data" band, when using a business object as a data source for this band, was fixed.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
25. | The error with displaying thumbnails of custom styles for the "Map" component on the Ribbon tab in the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
26. | Fixed a bug with the icon size when changing scale in GIS maps.V2021.1.1DWin |
27. | A bug with double clicking the "Submit" button on the parameters panel in the viewer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
28. | An issue with applying custom styles for the "Map" component in the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
29. | The error with editing an array of values for the "Color" property on the properties panel in the WPF v2 report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
30. | An issue with selecting a segment of a map to which a custom style is applied was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
31. | Fixed an issue with losing a focus in the WPF v2 report designer when closing modal windows of component editors.V2021.1.1RWpf |
32. | The error with saving the value for the "Color Each" parameter when editing the "Map" component in the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
33. | A problem with moving component editors when they are called by double clicking in the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
34. | A problem with creating Australia and Austria maps when designing a report in the WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
35. | The error when loading a dashboard thumbnail in the Demo WPF application was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
36. | A problem with applying the date format to variable values when editing a report in WPF report designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RNetRWpf |
37. | A bug with adding .mrt extension to a file when saving a report from the web designer was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebBICloud |
38. | The error displaying barcodes when viewing a report was fixed.V2021.1.1RJS |
39. | A problem with displaying a "Tooltip" when hovering over dashboard elements was fixed.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
40. | Fixed a bug with color editor for chart series.V2021.1.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloud |
41. | A problem with the position of the interactive sort icon in reports was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebRJSBICloud |
42. | The error with specifying the current page of the report template when switching to the Preview tab was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloud |
43. | A bug with filling a company information when designing a report using the New Report Wizard was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebDWebBICloud |
44. | A problem with copying and pasting report bands to the clipboard was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebRJSBICloud |
45. | The error with calculating the position of the scroll bar in the "Table" element was fixed.V2021.1.1DJS |
46. | The error with using variables with DateTime data type was fixed.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
47. | A problem with chart labels that appeared after animation was fixed.V2021.1.1RWpf |
48. | The error with authentication when creating a connection to the data storage using the OData v3 protocol was fixed.V2021.1.1RNetDWinBIDesignerBIDesktop |
49. | The error with displaying values for a scatter chart was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebRNetDWinBIDesigner |
50. | An issue with processing of SQL parameters if they are not present in the report data dictionary was fixed.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
51. | Some problems occurred when using JS components for the Vue.js platform.
.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
52. | Some issues with loading modules in custom projects was fixed.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
53. | The error with processing custom values of a "List" type variable was fixed.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
54. | The algorithm for processing some functions in dashboards was updated and optimized.V2021.1.1DJS |
55. | The issue with displaying errors when using SQL data sources was fixed.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
56. | A bug with checking encryption commands in data adapters was fixed.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
57. | Some bugs with zipped files of the product packages was fixed.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
58. | A bug with processing the "Table" element with filters installed in Stimulsoft Designer.JS was fixed.V2021.1.1DJS |
59. | The issue with saving resources when working with components in Node.js was fixed.V2021.1.1RJS |
60. | The ability to use asynchronous or synchronous mode in the report generator engine was added.V2021.1.1RJSDJS |
61. | The issue with the "Length under Labels" property for the chart axis was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpfBIDesigner |
62. | Export to Word. LineSpacing for Microsoft YaHei on the China version of Windows now should work correctly.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
63. | Export to Excel. The control character in the text could cause the broken file output.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
64. | The issue with the CheckBox painting, if no Wingding font installed, was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
65. | QRCode. Now the MatrixSize property works correctly.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
66. | Report engine. VirtualSource.Filter And/Or now works in the interpretation mode.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
67. | The ToCurrencyWordsEs function now uses the correct gender for currency.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
68. | Export to PDF. The exception occured on OpenType fonts in NetCore.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
69. | Export toTXT. The 'Out of range' exception on some reports.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
70. | The DataMatrix barcode. Fixed the issue with the 'Out of range' exception occured on empty data.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
71. | Report engine. RichText.Break on Win7 now works slower but more precise.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
72. | Reports engine. The bookmarks were shown for Disabled bands.V2021.1.1RWebRNetRWpf |
73. | The Bubble column was not correctly shown.V2021.1.1DJS |
74. | QRCode. The errorCorrectionLevel property was not applied. It always was the Level1.V2021.1.1RJS |
75. | Report engine. For UnlimitedHeight, an extra height segment was added.V2021.1.1RJS |
76. | A bug with CodePages library dependencies in NuGet packages for .NET Core Framework was fixed.V2021.1.1RWebDWeb |
77. | The issue with the "TopN" property for chart series was fixed.V2021.1.1RJS |
78. | Drawing of the Progress element for high order numbers was optimized.V2021.1.1DWebDJSBIDesigner |
79. | A problem with multiple saving of the Cookie Container in the report object was fixed.V2021.1.1RWeb |
80. | Errors occurred when clicking Disable Buttons in File Menu.V2021.1.1RNetDWinBIDesigner |
81. | Designer.Wpf V2. An error occured when selecting a Custom style from the PropertyGrid.V2021.1.1RWpf |
82. | Viewer.Wpf. An error occured if SVG was set in the image of the Watermark page.V2021.1.1RWpf |
83. | Dbs Viewer.Wpf. Some maps displayed incorrect lables.V2021.1.1RWpf |
84. | Designer.Wpf V2. An error occurred if you first execute the Close command of the current report, and then open any other.V2021.1.1RWpf |
85. | Designer.Wpf V2. StiImage Editor - the Close button did not close.V2021.1.1RWpf |
86. | Dbs Viewer.Wpf. Long filters for the Chart component were displayed incorrectly.V2021.1.1DWin |
87. | Designer.Wpf V2. Themes were not applied correctly when using StiDesignerControl.V2021.1.1RWpf |
88. | Dbs Viewer.Wpf. In ListBox, SelectAll did not display CheckBox.V2021.1.1DWin |
89. | DesignerWpf V2. The error occurred when selecting a color in ColorPicker.V2021.1.1RWpf |
90. | Viewer.Wpf. If you open the search panel, then the next scaling of the report caused the error.V2021.1.1RWpf |
91. | Dbs Viewer.Wpf. In the Table component, the selection from the default selected row was not cleared.V2021.1.1DWin |
92. | Dbs Viewer.Wpf. The Table component had incorrect text color when selecting a row.V2021.1.1DWin |
93. | Designer .Wpf V2. The wrong editor was called when editing the "Text" property of the "StiText" component from the property panel.V2021.1.1RWpf |
94. | Compilation issues in .NET Core with VB.Net script were fixed.V2021.1.2RWeb |
95. | Problems with the work of CacheHelper with JSON report templates were fixed.V2021.1.2RWebDWeb |
96. | The issue with overriding the system prototype for some cases was fixed.V2021.1.2RJSDJS |