Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | Opens another dashboard or report when clicking on the header of a column, row, or cell of a Pivot Table element.V2023.4.4 |
2. | The ability to change the data source type, for example, from MySQL to MS SQL or PostgreSQL has been added.V2023.4.1 |
3. | Support for copy, cut, and paste commands when working with the clipboard in the "Filters" menu of dashboard elements.V2023.4.1 |
4. | The new Labels property has been added to the map component. It helps in changing the font and colors of the map's labels.V2023.4.1 |
5. | Support for "True&Hidden" visibility mode for fields in the "Table" dashboard element in the WPF viewer.V2023.4.1 |
6. | Support for the "Initial Value" parameter for the "List Box" and "Combo Box" dashboard elements in the WPF viewer.V2023.4.1 |
Verbesserungen |
1. | Displaying titles for zero values in dashboard charts.V2023.4.3 |
2. | Some updates were made to the use of list variables in the dashboard's filters.V2023.4.4 |
3. | Some optimization of using filters with unknown columns in the dashboards has been made.V2023.4.3 |
4. | The algorithm for creating a style based on the basic one has been reworked. Now, it depends on the current object in the report designer, whether it's a report page or dashboard.V2023.4.1 |
5. | Some minor changes of FIlters editors have been added.V2023.4.1 |
6. | Algorithm for drawing captions when changing the scale in the "Region Map" dashboard element.V2023.4.1 |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | An issue with displaying DateTimeRange variables without users editing has been fixed.V2023.4.3 |
2. | The location of the fill button in the dashboard conditions form has been fixed.V2023.4.2 |
3. | Changing and saving the connection string in the advanced editor for MS SQL data source.V2023.4.3 |
4. | Calculation of the watermark font size for the "Panel" element in data dashboards.V2023.4.3 |
5. | Switching between template pages in the report designer, in cases of changing the icon for a "Pictorial Stacked" chart.V2023.4.3 |
6. | An issue with specifying an invalid expression in the Culture property of a report has beed fixed.V2023.4.3 |
7. | An issue with importing globalized values of variables from the file has been fixed.V2023.4.3 |
8. | A bug with initialization of DateTimeRange variable with null values has been fixed.V2023.4.3 |
9. | Grouping data in the "Top N" tool for a "Ribbon" chart when editing and viewing a dashboard.V2023.4.1 |
10. | Error encountered when displaying JSON resources while viewing reports and dashboards.V2023.4.4 |
11. | Error associated with Excel's definition of a data source, especially in cases where this source contains only one row of data and the 'First Row is Header' parameter is set.V2023.4.4 |
12. | Some issues with integer list variables in the WinForms viewer have been fixed.V2023.4.4 |
13. | Using variables as parameters in queries to Oracle data sources.V2023.4.2 |
14. | An issue with dragging into the dictinonary of xsd files has been fixed.V2023.4.1 |
15. | An issue with 'data from other datasource' editor has been fixed.V2023.4.1 |
16. | An issue with loading filter's operation in the filters editor has been fixed.V2023.4.1 |
17. | Saving the name of the culture in the report template when adding it in the "Globalization Strings" editor.V2023.4.1 |
18. | Changing settings in the data dictionary, in cases where the "Settings" menu was collapsed into a group on the dictionary toolbar.V2023.4.1 |
19. | Filtering dashboard data by dates with verious culture format settings in the OS.V2023.4.1 |
20. | Displaying the data of calculated columns when executing the "View Data" command of a dashboard element in the WPF viewer, in cases where the column name began with a space character.V2023.4.1 |
21. | Displaying the Actions buttons of the “Table” dashboard element when hovering the cursor over this element in the WPF viewer.V2023.4.1 |