Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | Indication of the export process of big dashboards.V2019.3.1 |
2. | Renaming page by double clicking on the tab page.V2019.3.1 |
3. | The ShowDashboard action is available for the interaction functionality of Chart and Table elements.V2019.3.1 |
4. | The new map - Taiwan.V2019.3.1 |
5. | Publishing for Angular 6 and 7 versions.V2019.3.1 |
6. | The new 'Syilver' theme is added to the Dashboards.V2019.3.1 |
7. | Access to the current row through the Row constant in the TableElement in the interaction.V2019.3.1 |
8. | The new 'AliceBlue' theme is added to the Dashboards.V2019.3.1 |
9. | StiGaugeStyle. The new property - LinearScaleBrush.V2019.3.1 |
10. | Advanced Drill Down functionality was added to the Interaction of the Chart Element.V2019.3.1 |
11. | The ability to close opened tabs in the dashboards viewer.V2019.3.1 |
12. | The new property - ChartElement.Legend.Labels.ValueType.V2019.3.1 |
13. | Expressions are used now in gauge ranges in the Gauge element.V2019.3.2 |
14. | A new item in the menu File -> Help, where you can find links to user manuals, videos, samples and other helpful resources.V2019.3.2 |
15. | The ability to save an image from the image editor.V2019.3.3 |
16. | The Interaction property is added to the Image and Text elements.V2019.3.3 |
17. | The Edit Expression button is added to all expression fields.V2019.3.3 |
18. | Dashboards WPF. Added the ability to close the tabs of dashboards in the preview.V2019.3.3 |
19. | The Labels property was added to all types of the Chart element.V2019.3.3 |
20. | The Sybase ADS data adapter was added to the designer.V2019.3.3 |
21. | Data from Other Data Source is supported in Dashboards.V2019.3.4 |
22. | Constant Lines for Chart.V2019.3.4 |
23. | Conditions for Chart.V2019.3.4 |
24. | Support for Online Maps on Dashboards for WPF viewer.V2019.3.4 |
25. | Icon Alignment property for Indicator.V2019.3.4 |
26. | SeriesShowBorder property for the chart style.V2019.3.4 |
27. | Icon chooser to OnlineMap.V2019.3.4 |
28. | The new class Stimulsoft.Report.Toolbox.StiToolboxSetup. Using it, you can configure the ToolBox status in designers from code.V2019.3.5 |
29. | New maps. Benelux and Scandinavia.V2019.3.5 |
30. | The Chart mode in OnlineMap.V2019.3.5 |
31. | The Designer Scale Mode option is added to the designer options.V2019.3.5 |
32. | A selection of different icons for the Pictorial series.V2019.3.5 |
33. | The new window for creating maps. Now all types are displayed as tiles. Support for search has been added.V2019.3.5 |
34. | New iif, choose and switch functions were added.V2019.3.6 |
35. | Additional conditions for the string types were added.V2019.3.6 |
36. | The Full Row Select and Drill-Down Filtered options were added to the table element interaction.V2019.3.6 |
37. | Conditions for the Indicator element.V2019.3.6 |
38. | Now you may use icons for Image.V2019.3.6 |
39. | New filter types in Data Transformation for string types - between, greater than, less than.V2019.3.6 |
40. | Support for Nullable Date in Data Transformation filters.V2019.3.6 |
41. | The Sort button is added to the element's action buttons.V2019.3.7 |
Verbesserungen |
1. | Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the dictionary.V2019.3.1 |
2. | Async operations were added for a selecting data in the new data source form.V2019.3.1 |
3. | Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the empty designer.V2019.3.1 |
4. | Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the report page.V2019.3.1 |
5. | Some improvements in working with resources and undo-redo stack.V2019.3.1 |
6. | Async operations were added for the operation of creating a new database based on a specified resource.V2019.3.1 |
7. | SpeedUp optimization in the process of deleting items in the dictionary.V2019.3.1 |
8. | SpeedUp improvements in the working with undo-redo buffer and report resources.V2019.3.1 |
9. | WinForms Designer. If the Stimulsoft.Wizard.Wpf assembly is not connected, it was impossible to create an empty dashboard in Ribbon-New.V2019.3.1 |
10. | Async loading of reports from Stimulsoft Cloud.V2019.3.1 |
11. | Async loading of recent reports.V2019.3.1 |
12. | Adaptation for hi-dpi style buttons for components in the Ribbon panel.V2019.3.1 |
13. | Some improvements in drawing indicators in the table element.V2019.3.2 |
14. | Dashboards WPF viewer. Cache clearing before loading a new report.V2019.3.2 |
15. | Some optimizations of the view data form.V2019.3.2 |
16. | The code editor is improved for better working with dashboards.V2019.3.2 |
17. | Some improvements of Drill-down reports from the Dashboards.V2019.3.4 |
18. | The Interaction property is added to the progress element.V2019.3.5 |
19. | Small improvements in the variable editor.V2019.3.5 |
20. | Using the Culture property of a report for drawing samples in the text format editor.V2019.3.5 |
21. | The appearance of marker display for linear chart types has beed changed.V2019.3.5 |
22. | Redesigned Auto Style rendering in Ribbon for dashboards. Now the component style is drawn in the required color, and not just the inscription Auto.V2019.3.5 |
23. | Some imrovements in Request from Users variables proccessing in the WinForms viewer.V2019.3.5 |
24. | Stimulsoft Designer is adopted for hi-res scaling resolutions.V2019.3.5 |
25. | Speed optimizations in rendering dashboards.V2019.3.7 |
26. | Improved table export to all image formats.V2019.3.7 |
27. | We completely redesigned the style selection menu in Ribbon. Now styles are displayed in several columns for easy viewing.V2019.3.7 |
28. | The TopN button is added to the element's action buttons.V2019.3.7 |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | Some issues with localization in the designer.V2019.3.1 |
2. | The text rendering in StiMap is reworked.V2019.3.1 |
3. | The new map - Argentina is added.V2019.3.1 |
4. | Dashboards.WPF. Fixed error when opening mdx/mrx files in the viewer.V2019.3.1 |
5. | The error occurred when publishing a report with maps in the JS framework.V2019.3.1 |
6. | Some issues with the painting of the selected cells in the table element.V2019.3.1 |
7. | Some issues with packing and unpacking expressions when editing JSON resources.V2019.3.1 |
8. | Some issues with viewing the JSON resources.V2019.3.1 |
9. | Improvements in the expression calculation in the dashboards.V2019.3.1 |
10. | StyleDesigner. When executing the GetStyleFromSelectedComponent operation, the Progress element ignored the ForeColor property.V2019.3.1 |
11. | Export to Excel. Null reference exception in some cases.V2019.3.1 |
12. | WinForms, WPF. StiMap. When exporting to Image/Excel, the connected data was ignored and the map was drawn empty.V2019.3.2 |
13. | Some issues with calculation of variables in SQL Queries.V2019.3.2 |
14. | Analyze-cache should be cleaned when the Submit button is clicked.V2019.3.2 |
15. | Some issues with datetime filters.V2019.3.2 |
16. | Some issues with filters.V2019.3.2 |
17. | Cache cleaning when new report is opened.V2019.3.2 |
18. | Support for GSS codes for maps. You can set it in the Key field when connecting data.V2019.3.2 |
19. | The Login window. Fixed problem of incorrect positioning of the popup window.V2019.3.2 |
20. | Dashboards Wpf Viewer. Improvement on drawing special characters.V2019.3.2 |
21. | Tooltips for charts when using filters.V2019.3.2 |
22. | Support for formats for axis in charts.V2019.3.2 |
23. | Export of indicators in a table with width enabled stretching.V2019.3.2 |
24. | The catching of the incorrect storing type and wrong data row processing.V2019.3.2 |
25. | Some issues with viewing the JSON data in report resources which cannot be parsed as data.V2019.3.2 |
26. | Some problems with the DistinctCountIf function.V2019.3.2 |
27. | Some issues with exporting report from the report which was combined with dashboard.V2019.3.2 |
28. | Incorrect expression escaping was fixed in the Data Transformation property of an element.V2019.3.2 |
29. | Incorect working with 'code tab visible' property in the designer.V2019.3.3 |
30. | Some errors in working with encrypted files in the viewer.V2019.3.3 |
31. | The Layout propetty is now obsolete. Please use the Interaction property instead.V2019.3.3 |
32. | Some errors in the localization of the expression menu.V2019.3.3 |
33. | Support for Custom Map for Winforms and WPF.V2019.3.3 |
34. | Some issues with calculation of some values in the Pivot element.V2019.3.3 |
35. | Some issues with proxy settings.V2019.3.3 |
36. | When errors occur when saving/loading files from the cloud, the Owner was not set in the MessageBox and the window could fail under the current one.V2019.3.3 |
37. | A bug with saving the report designer window in a normal state.V2019.3.3 |
38. | Some issues with dashboards element's buttons.V2019.3.4 |
39. | Changed MinimumSize Ribbon Designer.V2019.3.4 |
40. | Issue with dropping Excel file on Dashboard.V2019.3.4 |
41. | Hotkeys stopped working.V2019.3.4 |
42. | Some troubles with saving position of the Designer.V2019.3.4 |
43. | Issue with Drill-down parameters from chart in Dashboards.V2019.3.4 |
44. | Issues with Drill-down to Report pages from Dashboards.V2019.3.4 |
45. | Duplicated parameter names aren't created more in the sql source editor form.V2019.3.4 |
46. | Footer is added to TableElement. It's possible to show summary.V2019.3.4 |
47. | Some troubles with the drill-down functionality in the WinForms dashboard viewer.V2019.3.5 |
48. | A problem with rendering StiGauge if you enable the old editor mode.V2019.3.5 |
49. | The heat map for Czech Republic did not work with the data connected.V2019.3.5 |
50. | Labels in maps on HIDPI were not beautifully rendered.V2019.3.5 |
51. | The work of the Style property for Chart Labels.V2019.3.5 |
52. | An error occurred while selecting Value in the Conditions Chart that was removed from the Chart.V2019.3.5 |
53. | The transfer of parameters from a series of the Donut type did not work.V2019.3.5 |
54. | Issues with drawing styles in the style designer were fixed.V2019.3.6 |
55. | A bug with showing a report rendering progress in the report designer in a HiDPI environment.V2019.3.6 |
56. | Mouse over on a chart in a HiDPI environment.V2019.3.6 |
57. | Format Value for chart tooltip.V2019.3.6 |
58. | Color Each for Bubble Series.V2019.3.6 |
59. | Some issues with position of the report checker in some situations.V2019.3.7 |
60. | Incorrect column names when exporting a table to data files (XML, JSON, CSV and others).V2019.3.7 |
61. | Improved export of dashboards to Excel, fixed styles when exporting dashboards and individual elements.V2019.3.7 |
62. | Improvements to parsing patches in maps - support for multiple values for the parameters H, h, V, v.V2019.3.7 |
63. | A stackoverflow bug with some reports.V2019.3.7 |
64. | Some problems with editing a dashboard from the viewer.V2019.3.7 |