Март 2015

31 март 2015  ·  Andrew Savin

MVC Viewer: Evolution

Time remains very little.
6 март 2015  ·  Andrew Savin

Viewer MVC – new look

Time is running very fast, and there is a couple of weeks before the release of the new version 2015.1.

Февраль 2015

27 фев 2015  ·  Andrew Savin

Viewer for MVC - at full speed

For us, constant improvement of products is not just moving forward.

Ноябрь 2014

26 нояб 2014  ·  Alex Markus

Использование Mobile Designer в Azure

StiMobileDesigner - ASP.NET компонент для создания и редактирования отчетов в браузере.

Март 2014

6 март 2014  ·  Andrew Savin

Dynamic SQL queries

Using the SQL queries helps avoiding the data duplication in the tables and provides maximum flexibility when searching and showing the data in a database.

Август 2013

26 авг 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

Connecting to Microsoft Access Database under x64 operation systems?

Let's discuss a very important thing – creating an OLEDB connection under a 64-bit OS with use of the adapter Microsoft Jet 4.0.
19 авг 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

Optimizing Reports. Part 3

Dear existing and potential users of the software products Stimulsoft Reports!

Июль 2013

23 июль 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

Optimizing Reports. Part 2

Dear friends, we continue our series of articles on optimizing reports.
10 июль 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

Optimizing Reports

Optimization is a vexed problem today in nearly all areas of human activity.

Июнь 2013

23 июнь 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

7 Hidden Items

Some time ago we have changed the main menu of our products.

Май 2013

28 мая 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

The main differences of reporting features between Crystal Reports and Stimulsoft Reports

When a user migrates from Crystal Reports on Stimulsoft Reports, this may cause some issues related to the differences between methods of designing and rendering reports.
7 мая 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft CloudReports. Разработка продукта идет полным ходом

Очень часто мы получаем запросы от наших клиентов, в которых они спрашивают о возможностях, специфичных для серверов отчетов.

Апрель 2013

22 апр 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

Property Grid in Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile

It is now more easy and comfortable to work with reports designer in our program product Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile!
9 апр 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

Erasing Borders

Many years ago people spoke a single language, and, by all appearances, it was beautiful time.

Март 2013

27 март 2013  ·  Andrew Savin

More Than Mobile

We all strive for the best, and it is natural.
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