Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | Interaction actions for the dashboard elements - "Cards" and "Gauges".V2024.4.1DWebDWinDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazor |
2. | The TopN feature for dashboard elements "Table" and "Cards".V2024.4.1DWebDWinDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazorBIDesigner |
3. | New maps: Africa, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, BurkinaFaso, Burundi, Cameroon, CapeVerde, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, EquatorialGuinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, RepublicOfTheCongo, Rwanda, SaoTomeAndPrincipe, Senegal, Seychelles, SierraLeone, Somalia, SouthSudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.V2024.4.1RNetRWpfDWinBIDesigner |
4. | The ClickHouse data adapter has been added.V2024.4.1RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinBIDesigner |
5. | The Insert Field button has been added to the editor of the text element.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
6. | The ability to add calculated measures to the text element has been added.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
7. | Controls for collapsing and expanding all groups in a Pivot Table element.V2024.4.1DWebDWinDJSBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
8. | Support for 3D mode for various maps in reports and dashboards has been added.V2024.4.1RNetRWpfDWin |
9. | For many maps, localization of labels into native languages has been added.V2024.4.1RNetRWpfDWin |
10. | In user functions, support for entering script code in various languages has been added: C#, VB, JS. Script execution depends on the script language installed in the report template.V2024.4.1RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinDJSBICloudBIDesigner |
11. | The ability to specify the column width of the measure column in the table element has been added.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
12. | The ability to pass StiPagesRange to the onPrintReport event has been added.V2024.4.1RJSDJS |
13. | "Constant Lines" and "Strips" for 3D charts.V2024.4.1RWebRNetRWpfRBlazorRAngularRAvaloniaDWebDWinDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazorBIDesigner |
14. | The ShowTitle option was added to the View States settings of the chart element, allowing the name of a view to be displayed as the chart title.V2024.4.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
15. | Support for summary functions for the TimeSpan data type has been added to dashboards.V2024.4.1DWebDWinDJS |
16. | The new ExportSettings property has been added to the report, allowing predefined export settings to be configured for each type of export. This enables the specification of unique conditions for each report.V2024.4.1RNetBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
17. | A new theme, White Black, has been added to the dashboards.V2024.4.1DWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
18. | A new property, Cells, has been added to the table element. It allows customization of the colors and fonts for the table's columns and summaries.V2024.4.1DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
19. | A new property, Cells, has been added to the Pivot Table. It allows users to specify colors and fonts for the cells in the pivot table.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesignerBIServer |
20. | JSON Database headers.V2024.4.1RJava |
21. | Showing a path for recent Cloud items.V2024.4.2RJSDJSBICloud |
22. | The Cells property group has been added to the Table element on the dashboards.V2024.4.2DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
23. | The new property "Cast To Column Type"has been added to databases.V2024.4.4RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
24. | The ability to add your own fonts for useing in the reporting tool when using static PHP functions of the StiFontCollection class has been added.V2024.4.4RPHPDPHP |
25. | Support for custom functions in the reporting tool via the StiFunctions PHP class has been added. Any added functions will automatically appear in the data dictionary of the designer.V2024.4.4RPHPDPHP |
26. | Create and use Measure in a "Text" dashboard element.V2024.4.5DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
Verbesserungen |
1. | The property Image.ImageData was renamed to Image.Expression.V2024.4.1RNetBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
2. | Selecting the first control in the Label wizard.V2024.4.1RNetRWpf |
3. | The minimum required PHP version has been increased, with this release PHP 7.0 or higher is required.V2024.4.1RPHPDPHP |
4. | Several options have been added to the Page tab in the report designer.V2024.4.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
5. | Optimization render 3D charts.V2024.4.1RJSDJS |
6. | The ability to delete a page from the report tree has been added.V2024.4.1RNetDWinBIDesigner |
7. | Date and Time functions have been added to the expression editor menu.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
8. | The UI of the Sparklines editor has been optimized.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
9. | Some improvements have been made to the use of the user-defined BackColor property in the drawing of the table element.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
10. | The Font and ForeColor properties of the Gauge element have been moved to the SeriesLabels property group, as they pertain to the series header output settings.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
11. | Improved export of dashboard tables to PDF.V2024.4.2DWebDWinDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazor |
12. | Now, the export settings options in the report take into consideration the options StiOptions.Viewer.Windows.Exports.Show.V2024.4.2RWebRNetRWpfRAngularDWebDWinBICloudBIDesigner |
13. | Thumbnail color for the "Progress" style type in the Style Designer.V2024.4.3RNetDWin |
14. | The method of rendering the regional map in dashboards now uses caching to speed up the process of its display.V2024.4.4DWin |
15. | The error handler has been improved when building and exporting a report on the server side using Node.js.V2024.4.4RPHPDPHP |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | Clearing the cache when calling the report.Dispose() method before replacing the report in the report designer.V2024.4.1RWebDWebBICloudBIServer |
2. | An issue where the TopN UI was displayed in the table element editor when no fields were present has been fixed.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
3. | A bug related to bookmarks on a page with columns has been fixed.V2024.4.1RWebRJSBICloudBIServer |
4. | A property has been added that provides the ability to automatically convert column data types. This is necessary when establishing connections between columns with different data types from different data sources.V2024.4.1RNetDWinBIDesigner |
5. | The "Report Icon" and "Report Image" properties have been added to the properties panel in the report designer.V2024.4.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
6. | Localization for the ToolTip property in the Chart Style has been added.V2024.4.1RNetDWinBIDesigner |
7. | Displaying controls for a GraphQL data source.V2024.4.1RNetDWinBIDesigner |
8. | Drill-down of data in the Cross-tab component.V2024.4.1RJS |
9. | Rounding in TimeSpan data type values in .NET Core components.V2024.4.1RWebRBlazor |
10. | Incorrect positioning of dashboard element editors when using multiple monitors.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
11. | Incorrect text size in dashboards when the "SizeMode" option is set to "Fit".V2024.4.1DWinDJSBIDesigner |
12. | Removed extra spaces in the "Date Picker" dashboard element.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
13. | Support for format mask in cases where month is specified as "MMM" or "MMMM".V2024.4.1RWebRJSRPHPRBlazorDWebDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazor |
14. | Displaying a Sunburst chart when using hyperlinks in the Chart Interaction editor.V2024.4.1DJS |
15. | Handling JSON data with empty values.V2024.4.1RNetRJSDWinDJS |
16. | Calling events from code.V2024.4.1RJS |
17. | Map of Afghanistan in reports and dashboards.V2024.4.1RNetRWpfDWinBIDesigner |
18. | Display categories for a property list in the Table style.V2024.4.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
19. | Changing the WizardTypeRunningAfterLoad option when saving a report would display the report creation wizard in the Blazor designer.V2024.4.1RBlazorDBlazor |
20. | In some cases, interactive reports and dashboards may not work correctly when using asynchronous Blazor viewer events.V2024.4.1RBlazorDBlazor |
21. | Editing the Rich-text component in the WPF viewer has been implemented.V2024.4.1RWpf |
22. | Calculating the page number when viewing a report in a WPF viewer.V2024.4.1RWpf |
23. | Expressions were not taken into account when the watermark text was drawn at design time.V2024.4.1RWebRNetRJSBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
24. | Display negative colors for Scatter Line charts.V2024.4.1RWebRNetRJSRWpfRPHPRPythonRBlazorRAngularRAvaloniaRJavaDWebDWinDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazorBIDesigner |
25. | Displays the chart if the "Show edge values" parameter is set to "True".V2024.4.1RJS |
26. | Display charts with DateTime data on the X-axis.V2024.4.1RJS |
27. | Parsing values on the Panel element.V2024.4.1FForms |
28. | Displaying the "Date Picker" element when viewing a dashboard in a WPF viewer.V2024.4.1DWin |
29. | Saving the value of the Visible property for horizontal lines of the chart area when saving a report to an mrt file with JSON markup.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
30. | Viewing a dashboard with the "Cards" element, in cases where the controls in the interaction editor are disabled.V2024.4.1DWinBIDesigner |
31. | Enable and disable columns in the "Table" element when viewing the dashboard in the WPF viewer.V2024.4.1DWin |
32. | Save the state of the selected ribbon layout in the report designer.V2024.4.1RNetDWinBIDesigner |
33. | There was a bug with the map date grid editor.V2024.4.2RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
34. | Submitting parameter values from a variable of type "List" in WCF projects.V2024.4.2RWpf |
35. | Background color when exporting a report to an image in .NET Core reporting tool.V2024.4.2RNetRBlazor |
36. | Problem with running event handler on Linux platform in PHP products.V2024.4.2RPHPDPHP |
37. | An issue with saving the Padding property of the Image, Shape, and Panel elements in the dashboards has been fixed.V2024.4.2DWinBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
38. | An issue with saving the indicator font to JSON has been fixed in the dashboards.V2024.4.2DWinDJSBIDesigner |
39. | The CastToColumnType property did not work in compilation mode.V2024.4.2RWebRNetRWpfDWinBIDesignerBIServer |
40. | Format variable values for time in the parameters panel, taking the report culture into account.V2024.4.2RJS |
41. | Rendering an image in a report with rounding.V2024.4.2RJS |
42. | Handling null value for variable with ulong data type.V2024.4.2RJS |
43. | Incorrect saving of the Gauge style font size to JSON.V2024.4.2RWebRNetRJSRWpfRBlazorRAvaloniaDWebDWinDJSDBlazorBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
44. | In some cases, when loading the Blazor designer, the error "Blockly is not defined" was displayed.V2024.4.2RBlazorDBlazor |
45. | Export report to JSON.V2024.4.2RJSRPHPRPython |
46. | Displaying values in the "Date Picker" dashboard element.V2024.4.2RWebRJSDWebDJS |
47. | The issue with type converter compatibility in the custom SQL data adapter has been fixed.V2024.4.2RWebRNetRWpfRAngularDWebDWinDAngular |
48. | Text color for variable values when the "Not assigned" variable parameter is set.V2024.4.2RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
49. | Display the value in the tooltip on hover if the source for the tooltip is set from a variable.V2024.4.2DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
50. | The error switching between dashboard detail pages in Blazor Viewer.V2024.4.2DBlazor |
51. | Rotate value labels in a 3D line chart.V2024.4.2RWebRNetRJSBIDesigner |
52. | Animation speed for the "Gauge" dashboard element has been fixed.V2024.4.2DWin |
53. | MongoDB and OData data source editors.V2024.4.3RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
54. | Using MySqlConnetcor to connect to MariaDB data sources.V2024.4.3RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinBIDesigner |
55. | A bug with text area edit button position.V2024.4.3RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
56. | XSS vulnerability for StiReportResponse.ResonseString.V2024.4.3RWebDWebBICloudBIServer |
57. | Sub-Report parameters in the Web desginer.V2024.4.3RJava |
58. | Gradient animation for the "Bar Code" component.V2024.4.3RWebRJSBICloud |
59. | Bookmarks labels position.V2024.4.3RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
60. | Filtering data in a group of dashboard elements when selecting a value in a "Table" element.V2024.4.3DWin |
61. | Displaying values in a List variable instead of keys in WCF applications.V2024.4.3RWpf |
62. | Loading and processing an event script created using Blockly in earlier versions of the Stimulsoft product.V2024.4.3RNetRWpfDWin |
63. | When exporting a dashboard to a PDF file, the calculation of the row height and header width for the "Table" element has been corrected.V2024.4.3DJS |
64. | When exporting a report, an error in processing the report has been fixed if the returnType parameter is set to Uint8Array.V2024.4.3RJSDJS |
65. | An issue with undo-redo buffer exception in some cases has been fixed.V2024.4.3RNetDWinBIDesigner |
66. | Looping the scroll mode for the "Table" and "PivotTable" dashboard items.V2024.4.3DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
67. | Some bugs in user function form.V2024.4.3RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
68. | Displaying the minimum and maximum fields in the Gauge dashboard element editor.V2024.4.3DWinBIDesigner |
69. | Request handler error while rendering a report on the PHP server that contains SQL data sources.V2024.4.3RPHPDPHP |
70. | Keeping the value zero for the "Decimal Digits" parameter in "Text Format".V2024.4.4RJSDJS |
71. | Save and Load Colors for Chart Style.V2024.4.4RJava |
72. | Processing an array of values in a JSON data source.V2024.4.4RWebRNetRWpfRBlazorDWebDWin |
73. | Double-click event on a form in template editing mode.V2024.4.4RNet |
74. | Saving Blockly script for user functions.V2024.4.4RNet |
75. | Executing script code in user functions.V2024.4.4RJSDJS |
76. | Saving the selected date in the conditions editor.V2024.4.4RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
77. | Updating data when exporting a report.V2024.4.4RJS |
78. | Processing and displaying TimeSpan data in the Pivot Table element.V2024.4.4DJS |
79. | Saving the "Calculation Mode" property in the "Interpretation" mode when saving the rendered report to an MDC file with JSON markup.V2024.4.4RNetRJS |
80. | Availability of the data column from the "End value" field of the "Gantt" chart type when setting up conditional formatting of the chart (Conditions).V2024.4.4DWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
81. | Word wrap issue in dashboard table headers has been fixed.V2024.4.4DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
82. | Preserve the value for the "Master Component" property of the "Data Band" detail band when you undo changes to any text component on that band.V2024.4.4RNet |
83. | When exporting a report with a chart in the .NET Core reporting tool, an error related to rendering the chart in SixLabors has been fixed.V2024.4.4RWeb |
84. | Pressing the Submit button on the options panel in the viewer when pressing the "Enter" key.V2024.4.4RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
85. | Server-side events did not work correctly when using the Laravel framework.V2024.4.4RPHPDPHP |
86. | Executing the script code of a user function when that function is used on a dashboard.V2024.4.4DJS |
87. | Export of dashboard charts to HTML file, with Stimulsoft in .NET Core 3.1 applications.V2024.4.4DWeb |
88. | Search for stored procedures in the Select Data window.V2024.4.4RNetDWinBIDesigner |
89. | _GET parameters were not passed to the event handler when building a report on the PHP server side.V2024.4.4RPHPDPHP |
90. | Fetching data columns from a stored procedure.V2024.4.5RNetDWinBIDesigner |
91. | Collapsing and expanding components when viewing reports.V2024.4.4RJS |
92. | Adding quotes to names in a query for a Postgre SQL data source.V2024.4.5RNetDWinBIDesigner |
93. | A NuGet vulnerability with moderate severity.V2024.4.5RWebRNetRWpfRBlazorRAngularRAvaloniaDWebDWinDBlazorFForms |
94. | Max Data Rows when editing a dashboard in the designer with a Mongo DB data source.V2024.4.5RNetDWinBIDesigner |
95. | Filtering a data column with a Boolean data type during Data Transformation.V2024.4.5RJSDJS |
96. | Displaying the Init by and Value parameters in the variable editor after changing its type.V2024.4.5RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
97. | Correct operation of Blazor components for the .NET 9 framework.V2024.4.5RBlazorDBlazor |
98. | Error when deleting a constant line or strip if neither of these elements is selected.V2024.4.5RNetBIDesigner |
99. | The Rich Text report component is now enabled by default for Blazor products.V2024.4.5DBlazor |
100. | Saving Data Transformation when saving a report to a *.mrt file with JSON markup.V2024.4.5RJSDWin |