Neue Möglichkeiten
1.Export to PDF. Added the encryption mode AES 256bit.
2.Localization en-GB.
3.New functions MonthName(value, culture) and DayOfWeek(value, culture).
4.New functions DateToStrPt, DateToStrPtBr.
5.The new properties ShowQuickButtins with values None, HideSmallSize, Always.
6.The new value Horizontal Right for Constant Lines Orientation.
7.The new event FindClose for StiViewerControl.
8.The new new property ShowCaption for StiRibbonDesignerControl.
9.The new static property StiOptions.Engine.FIPSCompliance.
10.The button Select All for the List Variable.
11.The new value Horizontal Right for Strips Orientation.
12.The new Header property for the Chart Table.

1.Improved speed of exports to Excel, ODS, SYLK in some cases.
2.New category Shapes in ToolBox.
3.Reprocessed the color scheme of bands and all other components in the report designer.
4.Added some new properties in the StiZipCode. Improved its drawing.
5.ClusteredBar Chart supports displaying of the ChartTable.
6.CrossBands now have the CanBreak property.
7.Increased speed of big reports in the export to Excel2007.

Behobene Fehler
1.Functions in sorting expressions are now working without namespaces.
2.The problem with the lower border of containers that break into parts.
3.AutoRange for Y Axis when StartFromZero=false.
4.The property StiOptions.Designer.Ribbon.ShowMainMenuReportSetup.
5.The property StiOptions.Designer.Ribbon.ShowMainMenuCheckForIssues.
6.The error with rounding in the calculation of the height of the RichText component.
7.Some problems with nested Business Objects.
8.DotMatrix printing optimization. Odd blank lines remove at the end of the text.
9.UI forms of TxtExport and WordExport.
10.Undo Redo after changes in the Style Designer.
11.The function SumRunning (GroupHeader, value) now calsulates the amount only within the group.
12.The function ToQueryString() now has automatic escaping of the quote character.
13.An error when calculating aggregate functions in the page when using Business Objects.
14.When using the HTML tag <li> by rows, the size of the line was calculated incorrectly.
15.In the report engine, if the report property RequestParameters is enabled, when using RequestFromUsers variables, then datawill now be requested only for the used data sources. .
16.The compilation error when using keywords in the names of the columns of data sources.
17.In the report engine, if the PrintOnAllPages property is enabled for GroupHeader, then the ResetPageNumber property now works correctly.
18.Functions and MinDate and MaxDate now more correctly handle null-values.
19.The HideZeros property was not functioning for values with the currency character "р.".
20.The issue with the method AddFunction when setting the group name.
21.DataSource on the base of the Cross-Tab now takes into consideration the cross-tab filtering.
22.Export to HTML in the Div/Span mode. Sizes of celles with a gradient background are now exported correctly.
23.The IconSet Condition. Incorrect work for components on Detail bands and bands with grouping.
24.The EmptyBand placed after StiTable now work correctly (if the footer is not set in the StiTable).
25.Some problems with Business Objects.
26.A very rare problem if the name of the data source is same as the band name.
27.A problem with copying a component with the enabled Linked property.
28.When changing the report units, the given column width was not recalculated.
29.Odd tables breaks if the PrintOnAllPages property of header and UsePageHeadersAndFooters option is used in the export to Word2007.
30.Some issues with processing incorrect data in the Interpretation mode.
31.Some issue with some special symbols in the export to Excel2007.
32.StiBusinessObjectHelper, support for ITypedList.
33.Work with StiOptions.Designer.Ribbon.ShowAbout.
34.Drawing the Pie chart with data starting from 0.
35.Rarely occurs incorrect rendering of the text with HTML tags of lists.
36.Correct format of the cell depending on the TextFormat in the export to OpenOffice Calc.
37.The function SumRunning worked incorrectly with ChildBand.
38.BusinessObjects in InheritedReports now work correctly.
39.Styles for Table are added in the Context Menu of a component.
40.The problem with the disappearance of some pages when exporting, if the option Share segmented page and caching is used.
41.When using caching and double pass the double cache was created.
42.DotMatrix print optimization.
43.The expression with a comma in the string was incorrectly opened on the tab Summary of the textbox editor.
44.The exception in the WinForms viewer after editing the page on which the RichText component is placed.
45.National encoding symbols in RichText in the export to RTF.
46.The DotMatrix print and export toTXT. Remove the extra word wrap after the command FormFeed.
47.The width of static bands on a page with columns is now calculated correctly.
48.Incorrect work of the CanBreak property in the RichText component of a table.
49.The exception when compiling a report that uses nested recursive business objects.
50.Drawing SteppedArea and SteppedLines charts at single values.
51.Incorrect displaying national characters in some RTF files in StiRichText.
52.Compilation exception if variable has the type List, but the field Value is not empty.
53.The ImageQuality property now works correctly in the export to PDF.
54.The Count property for variables of the type List now work in the Interpretation mode.
55.Business Objects are now correctly support ITypedList.
56.Exception when duplicating a page with StiTable.

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