Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | Functions Right, Left, Mid. |
2. | Default custom settings to exports. |
3. | The new option ShowSaveFileDialog allows showing the input dialog of the report file name when saving in the Flash Designer. |
4. | The new option DivideBigCells for exporting reports to Excel. |
5. | The new option ShowEmailExportDialog that allows hiding export options when sending a report by Email. |
6. | The button Select All for the List Variable in the Flash Designer and Viewer. |
7. | The new option CachePreviewData allows disabling caching of the loaded data. It is useful when using Web services when getting data. |
8. | New functions DateToStrPt, DateToStrPtBr. |
Verbesserungen |
1. | Email sender in the HTML viewer. |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | Substring function error. |
2. | Incorrectly calculated heights of Cross-Tab cells when wrapping text to another line. |
3. | Export to PDF. StiRoundedRectanglePrimitive was not exported. |
4. | Export to PDF. Shapes are now exported more correctly. |
5. | Fixed functions First and Last. |
6. | A very rare problem if the name of the data source is same as the band name. |
7. | The time zones were ignored when displaying the date and time. |
8. | An error when processing variables in the report. |
9. | Some errors when rendering charts using Auto Series. |
10. | Decimal digits in the Text Format. |
11. | DBNull cross tab bug. |
12. | Issues in the export to PDF. |
13. | Non-english letters in Cross-tab. |
14. | The algorithm of the function Replace() is changed to prevent any loops at certain combinations of parameters. |
15. | The function ToQueryString() now has automatic escaping of the quote character. |
16. | Sorting variables. |
17. | Cross-Tab cell height calculation. |
18. | Variables conversion in DB query. |
19. | Drawing the Pie chart with data starting from 0. |
20. | Cross-Tab interactions. |
21. | Displaying currency format. |
22. | Incorrect defining the data format dd-MMM-yyyy in Flash Designer. |
23. | The Count property for variables of the type List now work in the Interpretation mode. |
24. | Chinese characters in exports to PDF, XPS, Word, Excel. |
25. | The Format function. |
26. | The error with replacing expressions on their values in the report template in the Cross-Tab component after rendering the report. |
27. | MySQl Source. |
28. | Correction of the condition values when saving them in the HTML designer. |
29. | The properties were not changed for ChartTable. |
30. | The problem with the construction of certain types of reports using the wizard in Flash Designer. |
31. | Set proper paint StiZipCode. |
32. | Properties of children categories in the Property Grid displayed localized, even if the corresponding option was disabled. |
33. | Database parameters. |