Stimulsoft Reports.JS 2016.3

Veröffentlicht am 01. Dezember 2016
Neue Möglichkeiten
1.Support for SegmentPerWidth & SegmentPerHeight pages properties in Designer.
2.The OData connection edit form to Designer.
3.The DatePickerFirstDayOfWeek property in the Viewer and Designer.
4.Show component positions in the status bar in the Designer.
5.Support of encrypting report in the JS Designer.
6.Bookmarks in the JS Viewer.

1.Redesigned export settings form.
2.Redesigned watermark form in the Designer.
3.The summary direction button in the Cross-tab component form the Designer.

Behobene Fehler
1."overflow: hidden" to the body in the JS Designer.
2.Fixed bug with totals and headers in the wizard form of Designer.
3.The bug with chart areas properties in the Designer.
4.A bug with zoom menu in the viewer.
5.The bug with tooltips in the Viewer.
6.The bug with disabling all controls after closing a report in Designer.
7.The bug with the disappearance of the pages panel after preview in the Designer.
8.The bug when sending SQL parameters containing symbols ' or "".
9.The error with double screening of the / character in some cases.
10.The bug with Cross-tab fields when changing units in a report.
11.The bug with the condition property in the GroupHeader band.
12.The bug when creating the Funnel Weighted Slices chart in the Designer.

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