Stimulsoft Reports.JS 2015.3

Veröffentlicht am 02. Dezember 2015
Neue Möglichkeiten
1.Report Variables.
2.Loading JSON array feature.
3.Adding formatting of strings (String.format()).
4.The ability to view data from the designer (View Data).
5.MySQL DataAdapter for Node.js.
6.The bar-code component.
7.Changed the approach of loading JSON data in dataset.
8.Support for parameters in URL to JSON and XML data.
9.The bar-code component.
10.The Layout tab in the report designer.
11.Support for data from Firebird.
12.Support for data from Excel.
13.Support for data from OData.
14.UI localization in the JS report viewer and designer.
15.Designer and Viewer Error Form.
16.Localizations are added.
17.The encryption of connectionString in the report template.
18.Support for localizations in the Windows designer.
19.Dictionary Synchronize.
20.The Text format editor to JS Designer.
21.Ability to load relations to the data dictionary in the Designer.
22.MS SQL DataAdapter for PHP.
23.MySQL DataAdapter for PHP.
24.MS SQL DataAdapter for Node.js.

1.Improved work of the WordWrap and Angle properties for the Text component.

Behobene Fehler
1.Showing CheckBox values in preview.
2.Setting only one language.
3.The Chart form was not shown.
4.Wrong showing the CheckBox.
5.The problem of cutting the text.
6.Rendering SubDetail reports.
7.The queryString property in the SQL database.
8.Saving the report template when using JSON data.
9.The algorithm for loading JSON is reworked.
10.Wrap in Preview.
11.The error with borders of components when rendering reports.
12.A bug with special symbols in the names of datasources.
13.Errors of rendering components using the Print On property.
14.The data band was not rendered when placed on the panel.
15.If the margin is 0 then the tempate was not loaded correctly.
16.Bar-codes were not parsed when rendering.
17.The System.Convert functions.
18.Error with the definition of two-pass rendering mode of the report.
19.MySQL. Fixed issue with specifying the connection port.
20.Style Form is not shown.
21.Condition Form is not shown.
22.Some fixes in the Chart Form.
23.Chart Drawing.
24.StiImage Clone did not work.
25.JSON Data did not read Array Type.
26.HtmlStyle when one time rendering a report in the viewer and designer.
27.Add DataRelations in Form did not work.
28.Designer Options Dictionary not work.
29.Sum function not work correctly.
30.Errors when working with variables.
31.Loading images by URL with parameters.
32.Importing of Excel data works faster.
33.Displaying CheckBox.
34.Displaying Shape issues.
35.Failed to load template from XML when the units are set to millimeters.
36.Removed the namespace "System".
37.The error with Retrieve Columns.
38.Errors of loading the report template.
39.JSON XML Database fixed issue with the saving path.

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