Viewer Events
The Blazor Viewer component supports events which allows you to execute necessary operations before certain actions, such as printing and exporting, sending reports by email, interactivity etc. Below is a sample of processing viewer events.
Index.razor |
@using Stimulsoft.Report @using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor @using Stimulsoft.Report.Web
<StiBlazorViewer OnViewerReport="@OnViewerEvent" />
@code { private void OnViewerEvent(StiReportDataEventArgs args) { var action = args.Action; var report = args.Report; var parameters = args.RequestParams; } } |
Events list
Name |
Description |
OnOpenReport |
The event occurs when opening a report. |
OnPrintReport |
The event occurs when printing a report. |
OnExportReport |
The event occurs when exporting a report. |
OnEmailReport |
The event occurs when sending a report by email. |
OnInteraction |
The event occurs when the viewer works with interactive operations, such as using parameters, dynamic sorting, collapsing, and drilling a report. |
OnViewerEvents |
The event occurs for any action in the report viewer. |
OnDesignReport |
The event occurs when pressing the Design button on the toolbar of the viewer. |
OnViewerAfterRender |
The event occurs when the HTML5 code of the viewer and all its controls have been completed. |