Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | Server: Support for AutoLargeHeight in the designer.V2015.1 |
2. | The OData Connection in the report engine.V2015.1.12 |
3. | Add/refactor Quotas.V2015.1 |
4. | The new system role - Supervisor.V2015.1 |
5. | The new property for running a report in the scheduler - Overwrite If Exists. If the value is true and the result of report rendering with specified name already exists in the destination folder than the item will be overriwriten. If the value is false than a new copy of item will be written in any cases.V2015.1.11 |
6. | The new property StiOptions.Engine.AllowFixPieChartMarkerAlignment affect the display of Labels Marker in Pie Chart.V2015.1 |
7. | The drag&drop point item.V2015.1.7 |
Verbesserungen |
1. | Now the designer always runs in a separate window.V2015.1 |
2. | Administration always starts in a separate window.V2015.1 |
3. | Redesigned Ribbon interface of the style Office 2016.V2015.1 |
4. | Showing a scheduler error in the PopUp window.V2015.1.12 |
5. | Redesigned system of quotas.V2015.1 |
6. | Now the viewer always runs in a separate window.V2015.1 |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | The AllowApplyStyle property for the Chart component.V2015.1.7 |
2. | Server:Support for loading files to the server in a separate stream.V2015.1 |
3. | Web: Added changing the password functionality.V2015.1 |
4. | Sharing by tiny links now works correctly.V2015.1 |
5. | Feature Refresh License.V2015.1 |
6. | Fixed Auto Series using expressions for the values of the chart.V2015.1 |
7. | Showing the Request from User Variable panel.V2015.1 |
8. | Work of the Relations editor.V2015.1 |
9. | An error with applying the "P3" format for the Chart Table.V2015.1 |
10. | Updating the Users tree after changing a role of the user.V2015.1.7 |
11. | Support for parameters in sharing reports.V2015.1.7 |
12. | Server: Added support for uploading files in parts to the server. Now you can easily upload files of any size.V2015.1 |
13. | An issue with editing large numbers of Conditions at the charts.V2015.1.7 |
14. | Conditions for the chart component.V2015.1.11 |
15. | Some issues with upgrading from the product release to release.V2015.1.11 |
16. | The problem with sending email from the scheduler if the Italian localization is set.V2015.1.12 |
17. | The error with adding new documents and expired date.V2015.1.13 |
18. | Incorrect processing of the scheduler exception.V2015.1.13 |
19. | Refresh Property Grid in Chart Editor.V2015.1.13 |
20. | The scheduler error processing.V2015.1.13 |
21. | Server: Redesigned navigation panel by pages in the viewer.V2015.1 |
22. | New quotas in the Workspace - Data Rows, Report Pages, Bandwidth, Workspace.V2015.1 |
23. | The redesigned forms New Scheduler, New Data Source, New Report Template.V2015.1 |
24. | The new menu Create.V2015.1 |
25. | Redesigned Actions buttons.V2015.1 |
26. | Server: The Cancel button that is used to stop searching in the viewer.V2015.1 |
27. | Server: Added the ability to change the user password.V2015.1 |
28. | Issues with the opening of MessageBox. Sometimes they can appear in the background.V2015.1 |
29. | Server: Reworked drill down of pages in the designer.V2015.1 |
30. | Server: Redesigned the find panel.V2015.1 |
31. | Server: Redesigned UI of the designer into the Office 2015 style.V2015.1 |
32. | Server: Redesigned Actions panels.V2015.1 |
33. | Server navigator: Ability to call the Sharing dialog through the context menu.V2015.1 |
34. | Web: Refactor Roles editor.V2015.1 |
35. | Minot fixes in the Chart wizard.V2015.1 |
36. | Drawing the border for the Doughnut chart.V2015.1 |
37. | Reorganization Administartion permissions.V2015.1 |
38. | Rendering of one value in the Doughnut chart.V2015.1 |
39. | Server: Support for report wizards in the Navigator.V2015.1 |