Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | Support for Data.World.V2019.4.2 |
2. | The 'StiOptions.Designer.AllowAsyncDataCommands' option is added.V2019.4.1 |
3. | Support for the CosmosDB connection.V2019.4.2 |
4. | Support for .NET Core 3.0.V2019.4.2 |
5. | Support for WPF projects when publishing dashboards.V2019.4.2 |
6. | Support for retreiving data from the Data.World online service.V2019.4.2 |
7. | Export to Excel. New properties StiOptions.Export.Excel.NumberOfPagesInWideToFit and StiOptions.Export.Excel.NumberOfPagesInHeightToFit.V2019.4.2 |
Verbesserungen |
1. | Drwing Labels for Progress Bar.V2019.4.1 |
2. | Export to Excel. Correction of proportions of sizes.V2019.4.2 |
3. | Export to PDF. Minor corrections of text baseline.V2019.4.2 |
4. | Engine. Optimizing RichText for speed.V2019.4.2 |
5. | Small CrossTab editor improvements.V2019.4.2 |
6. | Updated dashboard object creation code in the Publish wizard.V2019.4.2 |
7. | Rendering Axis Labels when specifying the Width property.V2019.4.1 |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | Engine. The exception occurred in RichText in multi-threading.V2019.4.2 |
2. | A problem with disappearing dropdown menus.V2019.4.2 |
3. | UsesAliases for CreateLabel property was not applied.V2019.4.2 |
4. | Clear dashboards and report cachs on the server side.V2019.4.2 |
5. | Line feed in BarCode disappeared.V2019.4.2 |
6. | Work with negative Range Color values in Gauge.V2019.4.2 |
7. | Missing the PivotTable element in the .NET Core designer.V2019.4.2 |
8. | GlobalizationStrings could lost when changing a culture.V2019.4.2 |
9. | Error exporting report using code in the designer event.V2019.4.2 |
10. | Conditions for Sub-Report now work properly.V2019.4.1 |
11. | CalculatedColumns for BusinessObjects now work in the Interpretation mode.V2019.4.1 |
12. | Export to RTF. In some cases, an exception occurred on empty RichText.V2019.4.1 |
13. | Export to Excel. In some cases, due to GroupSeparator, numbers were passed as strings.V2019.4.1 |
14. | Some issues with SQL Command.V2019.4.1 |