Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | The StoreExportSettings property in the viewer (which allows storing the export settings in the cookies).V2017.1.1RJS |
2. | The open button in the viewer.V2017.1.1RJS |
3. | "MinSize", "MaxSize", "MinHeight", "MaxHeight", "MinWidth", "MaxWidth" properties for components in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
4. | 21 new themes for WebViewer.V2017.1.1RJS |
5. | The primitive lines and rectangles to the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
6. | The ShowQuietZones property to BarCode in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
7. | The Anchor property in Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
8. | The new onInteraction event for Viewer.V2017.1.1RJS |
9. | Processing of the SQL query parameters on the server side.V2017.1.1 |
10. | Added a setup toolbox to the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
11. | The fixed table header in the view data in the Designer.V2017.1.2RJS |
12. | Progress and timeout to view data command in the DesignerJS.V2017.1.2RJS |
13. | The Drill-down from of the external report file for the HTML5 Viewer.V2017.1.3RJS |
14. | The Update form in DesignerJS.exe.V2017.1.4RJS |
15. | Possibility to reset report culture in the Designer.V2017.1.5RJS |
16. | The Colors property is added to the style of charts.V2017.1.5RJS |
17. | Class Reference for Stimulsoft Reports.JS |
18. | The UseParentStyles property in the designer.V2017.1.6RJS |
19. | Ability to disable output of errors and warnings to the browser console and Node.js console.V2017.1.6RJS |
20. | Support for Bower repository.V2017.1.7RJS |
21. | The new mode of showing a report in the viewer (ViewMode = Continuous).V2017.1.7RJS |
22. | The new Page tab in the toolbar of the designer.V2017.1.7RJS |
23. | The Container select form to clone a component in the designer.V2017.1.7RJS |
24. | Support for "select items from data column" in the variable items form.V2017.1.8RJS |
25. | Added the ability to load fonts in the async mode. Some browsers did not load in the synchronous mode.
Stimulsoft.Base.StiFontCollection.addOpentypeFontFileAsync(function () { }, "Font.ttf");.V2017.1.8RJS |
26. | The declaration file (*.d.ts) will now be delivered.V2017.1.8RJS |
27. | Checking of names for parent and child data sources in the relation form.V2017.1.8RJS |
28. | Ability to set the PHP event handler options for JS components.V2017.1.8 |
29. | Licensing the product by the AJAX request. Now it is enough to just copy the license.key to the stimulsoft folder. The ability to add verification of the authorized user.V2017.1.8 |
30. | Support for moving items in the dictionary in the designer.V2017.1.8RJS |
31. | The topmost property for border in the designer.V2017.1.9RJS |
32. | Permissions for resources and SQL parameters in the designer.V2017.1.9RJS |
33. | Help links to some forms in the designer.V2017.1.9RJS |
34. | Events to the report tree in the designer.V2017.1.10RJS |
35. | The properties - "unlimitedHeight" & "unlimitedBreakable" - to the page in the designer.V2017.1.11RJS |
36. | The vertical alignment to overlay a band in the designer.V2017.1.11RJS |
37. | Viewer.exe can load reports which are specified in the command of arguments.V2017.1.11RJS |
38. | StiOptions.Designer.Editors.allowConnectToDataInGallery in the designer.V2017.1.11RJS |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | The ShowQuietZone property did not work correctly for any barcodes in the Flash Designer.V2017.1.1 |
2. | A bug with editable fields and export in the Viewer.V2017.1.1RJS |
3. | A bug with datetime variable in the designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
4. | A bug with join table cells in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
5. | Wordwrap for text items of the Chart.V2017.1.1RJS |
6. | Error retrieving data from an XML column with certain names when using caching in Flex Engine.V2017.1.1 |
7. | The RequestParameters report property in the Flash Designer preview was not taken into account.V2017.1.1 |
8. | Charts animation.V2017.1.1RJS |
9. | The positioning error when dragging in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
10. | A bug with adding and deleting rows of the table in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
11. | Label color for the chart style25 and style26.V2017.1.1RJS |
12. | The chart label position, if the width of the label > 0.V2017.1.1RJS |
13. | Charts animation.V2017.1.1RJS |
14. | A bug with bookmarks in the viewer.V2017.1.1RJS |
15. | A bug with MinSize & MaxSize in the report.V2017.1.1RJS |
16. | Displaying charts by using the properties of Y Axis-> Labels-> Width.V2017.1.1RJS |
17. | AM/PM wrong date time format in some cases for Flash Viewer.V2017.1.1 |
18. | Incorrect name of relation when you drag the columns of data in the Flash Designer editor.V2017.1.1 |
19. | A bug with the LargeHeightAutoFactor in JS Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
20. | Bugs with symbols ' and " in the data.V2017.1.1RJS |
21. | The problem with a long error message, which could not fit in the WebViewerFx or WebDesignerFx dialog.V2017.1.1 |
22. | Restored correct work of disabling option for HTML, Excel, Data and Image exports for ViewerFx.V2017.1.1 |
23. | Menu problems went outside the screen in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
24. | ColorPicker, in some cases, displayed wrong color in DesignerFx.V2017.1.1 |
25. | Some problems with multiselect of components in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
26. | The Treemap chart.V2017.1.1RJS |
27. | Showing the legend in a chart when there is only one series.V2017.1.1RJS |
28. | Showing Y Axis of the Bar Series.V2017.1.1RJS |
29. | Empty values for width and height for the viewer.V2017.1.1RJS |
30. | The Border menu in conditions for components in the DesignerFx.V2017.1.1 |
31. | The functions from the PrintState (IsNull, Next, Previous) category now work.V2017.1.1RJS |
32. | Align text by the width when exporting to PDF.V2017.1.1RJS |
33. | Nuget packages of components on the web site.V2017.1.1RJS |
34. | Primitives could not be docked to the left edge of the container.V2017.1.1RJS |
35. | An error with rounding when rendering primitives.V2017.1.1RJS |
36. | The HTML tag "numbered list" was displayed incorrectly.V2017.1.1RJS |
37. | Functions in Flash report engine - TryParseDecimal, TryParseDouble, TryParseLong.V2017.1.1 |
38. | A bug with not assigned date time variable.V2017.1.1RJS |
39. | A bug with CTRL + Move component in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
40. | DataMatrix and PDF-417 barcodes are now displayed correctly.V2017.1.1RJS |
41. | UTF-8 symbols in the saved report could be incorrectly stored in the JS designer.V2017.1.1 |
42. | The bar-codes - Msi, Plessey, 2of5Standard, ITF-14 are now displayed correctly.V2017.1.1RJS |
43. | The ToWords and ToCurrencyWords now work correctly.V2017.1.1RJS |
44. | Support for the Math.Pow function.V2017.1.1RJS |
45. | A bug with centering forms when resizing Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
46. | Updated zoom control in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
47. | A bug with adding a column to the business object in the dictionary of the designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
48. | Two new checks for recursion of expressions - in the variable and in the calculated column.V2017.1.1RJS |
49. | CTRL + MouseWheel to change zoom in the Designer.V2017.1.1RJS |
50. | A bug with applying styles collection in the Designer JS.V2017.1.1RJS |
51. | An issue with changing the shift mode property.V2017.1.1RJS |
52. | An issue with updating of the report tree when the Bring To Front, Send To Back, Move Forward or Move Backward are used.V2017.1.1RJS |
53. | An issue with the Keep Header Together and Keep Group Header Together properties.V2017.1.1RJS |
54. | An issue with the Selection property of the the Dependent variables.V2017.1.1RJS |
55. | An issue with reading a font style from a report template file.V2017.1.1RJS |
56. | An issue with Large Height property on preview.V2017.1.1RJS |
57. | Empty and null DateTime were displayed as the current time. Now it is empty.V2017.1.2RJS |
58. | A bug with the column name when creating a data source from other data sources.V2017.1.2RJS |
59. | A bug with the subReportUrl property in the Sub-Report component.V2017.1.2RJS |
60. | Changed SDK version on nwjs v0.22.0.V2017.1.2RJS |
61. | An incorrect icon in the toolbar of the designer.V2017.1.2RJS |
62. | Transferring a picture from the images folder to a script.V2017.1.2RJS |
63. | A bug with offset primitive lines on 1px in the Designer.V2017.1.2RJS |
64. | An expression with a function was not calculated if the name of this function was the same as the name of any component.V2017.1.2RJS |
65. | A bug with bookmark labels in the viewer.V2017.1.2RJS |
66. | A bug with dots/lines grid modes in the Designer.V2017.1.2RJS |
67. | The encrypted report template was not saved correctly.V2017.1.2RJS |
68. | Export to HTML. The simultaneous underline and strikeout options for the text did not work.V2017.1.2RJS |
69. | Export to PDF. Underline and strikeout options for the text did not work.V2017.1.2RJS |
70. | Export to SVG. Text strikeout.V2017.1.2RJS |
71. | An error occurred while processing the @@ operator in SQL queries.V2017.1.2 |
72. | A bug with the license text in the DesignerJS.exe.V2017.1.2RJS |
73. | A bug with not correct values of the autoWidth property in the property grid of the Designer.V2017.1.2RJS |
74. | The nodejs version did not work.V2017.1.2RJS |
75. | A bug with getting images from the gallery in the Designer JS.V2017.1.2RJS |
76. | A bug with Session timeout in the DesignerJS.exe.V2017.1.2RJS |
77. | A bug in the wizard form, if the last step was not reached.V2017.1.3RJS |
78. | A bug in the wizard form, if the table is selected.V2017.1.3RJS |
79. | The TimeSerial function worked incorrectly.V2017.1.3RJS |
80. | The globalization editor in Designer JS.V2017.1.3RJS |
81. | Localization of some elements in the designer.exe after choosing other localization file.V2017.1.3RJS |
82. | Issues with showing version and description of the available build in the update window.V2017.1.3RJS |
83. | Excel data were hung if an empty or not existed path to the file was specified.V2017.1.3RJS |
84. | The report locale is considered in all text formats.V2017.1.3RJS |
85. | The value of the AssignExpression property was not saved and loaded.V2017.1.3RJS |
86. | A bug with the Conditions form interface.V2017.1.3RJS |
87. | A bug with the Break If True property in the Conditions form.V2017.1.3RJS |
88. | A bug with language of the documentation in the Designer.V2017.1.3RJS |
89. | View data was hanging, if there were no data.V2017.1.3RJS |
90. | A bug with grid lines, if page large height factor > 1.V2017.1.4RJS |
91. | A bug when closing the report that has charts.V2017.1.4RJS |
92. | A bug with autodetecting the touch interface in the Designer.V2017.1.4RJS |
93. | Export to PDF. Some symbols in the report Alias caused the creation of a corrupted PDF file.V2017.1.4RJS |
94. | A bug with images of products in the Update form.V2017.1.5RJS |
95. | A bug with the report tree button in Russian localization in the Designer.V2017.1.5RJS |
96. | A bug with band positions after copy-paste.V2017.1.5RJS |
97. | If, in any properties, there was a combination of such characters as /Q, then they were stored incorrectly, respectively, everything was loaded incorrectly.V2017.1.5RJS |
98. | A bug with displaying messages forms, after changing localization in the Designer.V2017.1.5RJS |
99. | Variable types of list and range did not work correctly.V2017.1.5RJS |
100. | The error with auto insertion of connection name from long URL in the edit connection form.V2017.1.5RJS |
101. | The And/Or value for the filtering type in the data sources in the Flash Designer was not saved.V2017.1.5 |
102. | The CheckStatus of the ComponentStyleIsNotFoundAtPage check has changed from Error to Warning.V2017.1.5RJS |
103. | Custom format did not correctly output the data if the input data were not a numerals.V2017.1.5RJS |
104. | Sub-Report was not rendered if it is specified as separate files.V2017.1.5RJS |
105. | The StiHeaderBand.PrintIfEmpty property was not working correctly.V2017.1.5RJS |
106. | Border series label in chart.V2017.1.5RJS |
107. | Null data in the cross-tab were written as NaN and not as 0.V2017.1.5RJS |
108. | A bug with saving styles from the report.V2017.1.5RJS |
109. | Exception when passing a fractional number to the ToWords function.V2017.1.5RJS |
110. | A bug with big delay after clicking the Select All in the Variables panel.V2017.1.5RJS |
111. | Filtering data using expressions did not work correctly when using the Flex Engine.V2017.1.5 |
112. | A bug when getting images gallery, if not correct connection was used.V2017.1.5RJS |
113. | Support for shadows of chart elements.V2017.1.5RJS |
114. | Support for font styles - Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough - for text elements of the chart.V2017.1.5RJS |
115. | The value of CheckedValue in StiCheckBox was not saved when there was the JSON type in MDC.V2017.1.5RJS |
116. | Switching the report designer to the foreground after clicking the New Report button in the Designer.exe.V2017.1.5RJS |
117. | A bug with title properties of the chart in the designer.V2017.1.5RJS |
118. | A bug with the TitleVisible property of strips in the charts.V2017.1.5RJS |
119. | A bug with displaying a table in the chart.V2017.1.5RJS |
120. | A bug with grid lines in the chart.V2017.1.5RJS |
121. | Some issues in data adapters in the JS report engine.V2017.1.6RJS |
122. | SQL databases did not work in the standalone designer.V2017.1.6RJS |
123. | An error occurred while testing the connection to the database in the HTML5 designer.V2017.1.7 |
124. | Big delays when working with a large amount of data in the designer.V2017.1.7RJS |
125. | A bug with HyperlinkDataColumn, TagDataColumn, ToolTipDataColumn properties in chart series.V2017.1.7RJS |
126. | In the MySQL adapter, it crashed when the database schema was obtained, if there were tables with the names "files", "events" and others in the database.V2017.1.7RJS |
127. | A bug with variables which have expressions.V2017.1.7RJS |
128. | Joining cells of the Table component.V2017.1.7RJS |
129. | If the Title before Header page property is set to true, then, when loading a report, the container for some components in the Flash designer could be incorrectly identified.V2017.1.7 |
130. | Adding a new page when creating a sub-report component.V2017.1.7RJS |
131. | A bug with sizes of table cells, when the table is created with the help of a wizard.V2017.1.7RJS |
132. | A bug with text margins of a component in the designer.V2017.1.7RJS |
133. | Export to PDF. Arabic text is now exported correctly.V2017.1.7RJS |
134. | A bug with sizes of columns when changing report unit.V2017.1.7RJS |
135. | Some issues in the sub-report.V2017.1.7RJS |
136. | A bug with the marker size in charts.V2017.1.7RJS |
137. | In some cases, after the preview, the Property panel (wrongly set to zero width) could disappear in the Flash designer.V2017.1.7 |
138. | Request from User variables that have the Nullable type in Flash components.V2017.1.7 |
139. | Some issues with charts in the designer.V2017.1.7RJS |
140. | If the component style is specified, then controls on home panel set disabled.V2017.1.7RJS |
141. | A bug with opening virtual datesources from the report file.V2017.1.7RJS |
142. | Lost Watermark.ImageHyperlink property when opening the report file.V2017.1.7RJS |
143. | Export to Word/Excel. The images from the data source were not exported correctly. All images were replaced by the last one.V2017.1.7RJS |
144. | Engine. Bands and containers did not render the Tag property.V2017.1.7RJS |
145. | Get types schema from MSSQL database.V2017.1.7RJS |
146. | WordWrap text in one cell for the Excel export.V2017.1.7 |
147. | A bug with the image watermark in the preview of the designer.V2017.1.8RJS |
148. | Export to Excel. Extra lines in the ExportDataOnly mode.V2017.1.8RJS |
149. | The error with new values of request from user datetime variables in the list for the Flash viewer.V2017.1.8 |
150. | A bug with exports, when a report has bookmarks.V2017.1.8RJS |
151. | Some bugs with the tree map chart in the designer.V2017.1.8RJS |
152. | The Color Each property for Treemap series.V2017.1.8RJS |
153. | Previously, in pure Node.js, all xml (data, localizations, mrt) files were not working. Now there is an xml parser and in the nodejs.V2017.1.8RJS |
154. | If the required PHP driver for a particular database adapter was not found, an appropriate error was thrown.V2017.1.8 |
155. | Absence of some properties for the table of charts in the designer.V2017.1.8RJS |
156. | Conflict with the WordWrap property with the flex-direction style in the designer.V2017.1.8RJS |
157. | Migration on TypeScript 2.4.V2017.1.8RJS |
158. | A bug with check report in the designer.V2017.1.8RJS |
159. | CSP(Content Security Policy). Problems with "eval" in source code in the Designer.V2017.1.8RJS |
160. | Event from xml mrt was not loaded.V2017.1.9RJS |
161. | Now the fraction separator is used from the locale settings.V2017.1.9RJS |
162. | When the event started, the variables were passed, but the values of these variables were needed.V2017.1.9RJS |
163. | MaxData MaxTime MinData MinTime functions did not work.V2017.1.9RJS |
164. | When using events, the changed variables were not applied back.V2017.1.9RJS |
165. | Error with property - AutoHideScrollbars of the Flash components.V2017.1.9 |
166. | A bug with relations in the dictionary.V2017.1.9RJS |
167. | A bug with empty error messages in the designer.V2017.1.10RJS |
168. | An old bug with relations (there was an error in the code).V2017.1.10RJS |
169. | If there is virtual data and relations and there are a lot of them, it was crached.V2017.1.10RJS |
170. | Test version of customDatasource.V2017.1.10RJS |
171. | Changes in code for compilation without warnings.V2017.1.10RJS |
172. | The synchronize method did not work with the dataset.V2017.1.10RJS |
173. | Transferring preview options in the designer into a separate category (now all the options of the viewer are applicable to the preview).V2017.1.10RJS |
174. | An error occured, if the event code hd one line and did not end with ";".V2017.1.11RJS |
175. | Convert.ToDateTime() now works correctly.V2017.1.11RJS |
176. | Engine. Filters did not work if the DataSource name contained spaces or dots.V2017.1.11RJS |
177. | A parallel line in the line chart.V2017.1.11RJS |
178. | If there is an array of simple elements in the loaded JSON (row number bool), then this array was unloaded.V2017.1.11RJS |
179. | When loading JSON, relations were broken. The issue was in in big and small letters in JSON.V2017.1.11RJS |
180. | JSON and the relationId of nested objects were incorrectly considered for an nesting level greater than three.V2017.1.11RJS |
181. | The dependent variable was not cleared if the new value of the main variable was selected.V2017.1.11RJS |
182. | The designer for Mac is now working. The designer for Mac is going to Mac OS.V2017.1.11RJS |
183. | The designer for Mac now supports localization.V2017.1.11RJS |
184. | The designer for Linux is built on the Linux platform.V2017.1.11RJS |
185. | The DaysInMonth function now works correctly.V2017.1.11RJS |
186. | Exception on opening a report in which RectanglePrimitive had lost start/end points.V2017.1.11RJS |
187. | Data with some date and time formats in Flash components were incorrectly read.V2017.1.11 |
188. | It crashed if to use in association with ractive.js.V2017.1.11RJS |
189. | The controls from the MDC xml were incorrectly loaded.V2017.1.11RJS |
190. | Some properties of rendered charts for MDC JSON were not saved or loaded.V2017.1.11RJS |
191. | Position Other values in Bar series.V2017.1.11RJS |
192. | A bug with PermissionDataConnections and PermissionDataSources in the designer.V2017.1.11RJS |
193. | A bug with values of expression controls in the designer.V2017.1.11RJS |
194. | Exception occured, if the DataSet.readJson() method was passed as an empty string parameter.V2017.1.11RJS |
195. | A bug with loading cross components in the designer.V2017.1.11RJS |