Stimulsoft BI Designer 2024.3

Veröffentlicht am 13. Juni 2024
Neue Möglichkeiten
1.Additional properties have been added to the DataBar Condition - CornerRadius, Padding and Text Placement, Also, brush can be taken from a component.
2.Handle line breaks using "" and "" in text when creating scripts in Blockly.
3.The "Show Zeros" property has been added for Range Chart.
4.Support for native names of geographical objects when manually entered for maps of China, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, Poland.
5.Support for creating user functions in the report designer.
6.A static event - StiOptions.Engine.GlobalEvents.GetDefaultFont - has been added. This event helps in replacing default fonts for all components.
7.Te new FixedHeight property has been added to the Combo Box, Tree View Box, and Date Picker elements.
8.Added the ability for Interaction to address each argument in the dashboard chart separately if more than one argument is specified.
9.Support for DateOnly and TimeOnly types has been added for the report variables and data columns.
10.An option to control synchronization behavior in the data dictionary has been added.
11.The option to duplicate chart series.
12.An option to select the default report save format has been added.
13.A new type - Text - of variable has been added. It is used for entering multi-line text in the viewer parameters.

1.Behavior of the "Max (Data Rows)" parameter for dashboards. If the parameter is set to 0, then when opening a template in the designer, queries to data sources are not performed.
2.Optimized the display of report rendering progress in the WinForms viewer and designer.

Behobene Fehler
1.A problem with saving font size of the Text in Cells component to the JSON format has been fixed.
2.Reports opened by dropping them into Designer ignored the AutoSynchronize option.
3.An issue with the table headers' rendering at different scales in Dashboards has been fixed.
4.The operation of the "Text After" and "Text Before" properties when using Date Time Step in charts has been fixed.
5.Removing merged cells in a Table component.
6."Show Nulls" and "Show Zeros" properties did not control values on both axis for Scatter Chart.
7.Support for the Port parameter in the connection string for StiOracleDevartConnector.
8.Processing an expression that contains the name of the relation in the dashboard elements.
9.WinForms: A problem with selecting components in the menu after tooltips appear.
10.A button to call Font Dialog Box has been added on Ribbon UI.

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