Installation and Description HTML5 Designer

Create a sample page with report webdesigner

Create a simple page with a report webdesigner. To do this, put the following libraries into the WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\ directory: stimulsoft.lib.jar, stimulsoft.reports-base.jar, stimulsoft.reports-report.jar, stimulsoft.reports-flex.jar, stimulsoft.reports-web.jar, stimulsoft.reports-webdesigner.jar .


Next, edit web.xml it should look like in Listing 1:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<web-app xmlns:xsi=""

xmlns="" xmlns:web=""


id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">





<!-- configuration, this parameter indicates the main application directory -->





















Leave unchanged the remaining web.xml blocks, which defines the servlets required for working. Then, edit the index.jsp (Listing 2).




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import="com.stimulsoft.webdesigner.StiWebDesigerHandler"%>

<%@page import="com.stimulsoft.webdesigner.StiWebDesignerOptions"%>



<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"


<%@taglib uri="" prefix="stiwebdesigner"%>

<html xmlns="">


<title>Stimulsoft Webdesigner for Java</title>

<style type="text/css">





final String reportPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/reports/Master-Detail.mrt");

final String xmlPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/data/Demo.xml");

final String xsdPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/data/Demo.xsd");

final String savePath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/save/");


StiWebDesignerOptions options = new StiWebDesignerOptions();                          

StiWebDesigerHandler handler = new StiWebDesigerHandler(){

public StiReport getEditedReport(HttpServletRequest request){


StiReport report = StiSerializeManager.deserializeReport(new File(reportPath));

report.getDictionary().getDatabases().add(new StiXmlDatabase("Demo", xsdPath, xmlPath));

return report;

} catch (Exception e){



return null;



public void onOpenReportTemplate(StiReport report, HttpServletRequest request){

report.getDictionary().getDatabases().add(new StiXmlDatabase("Demo", xsdPath, xmlPath));



public void onNewReportTemplate(StiReport report, HttpServletRequest request){

report.getDictionary().getDatabases().add(new StiXmlDatabase("Demo", xsdPath, xmlPath));


// In new report if you want to use wizard, you must populate report with datasources

StiXmlTableFildsRequest tables = StiDataColumnsUtil.parceXSDSchema(new FileInputStream(xsdPath));

for (StiXmlTable table : tables.getTables()){

StiDataTableSource tableSource = new StiDataTableSource("Demo." + table.getName(), table.getName(), table.getName());

tableSource.setColumns(new StiDataColumnsCollection());

for (StiSqlField field : table.getColumns()){

StiDataColumn column = new StiDataColumn(field.getName(), field.getName(), field.getSystemType());






} catch (Exception e){





public void onSaveReportTemplate(StiReport report, StiRequestParams requestParams, HttpServletRequest request) {

try {

FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(savePath + requestParams.designer.fileName);

if (requestParams.designer.password != null) {

StiSerializeManager.serializeReport(report, fos, requestParams.designer.password);

} else {

StiSerializeManager.serializeReport(report, fos, true);



} catch (Exception e) {





pageContext.setAttribute("handler", handler);

pageContext.setAttribute("options", options);




handler="${handler}" options="${options}" />






Add taglib directives in the JSP. They will work with custom tags on the page.



Listing 3. Custom Stimulsoft tag




<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="stiwebdesigner"%>




Add a tag <stiwebdesigner:resources />, tag used to load necessary resources (css & js) for webdesigner, it haven’t any attributes, it must be placed inside HTML <head> tag.



Description of webdesigner tag




<stiwebdesigner:webdesigner handler="${handler}" report="${report}" />




This tag contains next attributes:

handler [required] – com.stimulsoft.webdesigner.StiWebDesigerHandler object to handle webdesigner;

options [optional] – StiWebdesignerOptions object to customize webdesigner. If not present – default options are used;

designerID [optional] – String value identifier of webdesigner HTML element. If more than one webdesigner present in HTML page each webdesigner must have different identifier.



Description of StiWebDesigerHandler


To handle designer events, class that implement StiWebDesigerHandler must be created and setup in stiwebdesigner tag. Occured on opening {@link StiReport}.


public StiReport getEditedReport(HttpServletRequest request);

Occurred on loading webdesinger. Here must present implementation of loading report and population it with Database\Data sources (if required).


public void onOpenReportTemplate(StiReport report, HttpServletRequest request);

Occurred on opening StiReport. Method intended for populate report with Database\Data sources (if required).


public void onNewReportTemplate(StiReport report, HttpServletRequest request);

Occurred on new StiReport. Method intended for populate report with Database\Data sources (if required).

In new report if you want to use wizard, you must populate report with datasources.


public void onSaveReportTemplate(StiReport report, String reportName, HttpServletRequest request);

Occurred on save StiReport. Method must implement saving StiReport.