For Angular Viewer, there are several additional methods that are used to get the object of the currently viewed report, parameters of the current state of the viewer and other useful data. These methods can be used in any actions of the viewer.


The GetReportObject() method


Returns the report object with which the viewer is currently working. It is possible to perform the necessary actions with it - register new data sets, change report properties, assign parameters or load another report to the object. Then, the report can be returned to the viewer, specifying it as a parameter in the resulting action method.




public IActionResult ViewerInteraction()


StiReport report = StiAngularViewer.GetReportObject(this);

report.ReportName = "MyReportName";


return StiAngularViewer.InteractionResult(this, report);





The GetRouteValues() method


Returns values for URLs with which the viewer page was opened. Thus, it is possible to get the initial collection of run page parameters in any viewer action and use these values for any checks and conditions.




public IActionResult ViewerInteraction()


RouteValueDictionary routeValues = StiAngularViewer.GetRouteValues(this);


return StiAngularViewer.InteractionResult(this);





You can also get values of URL parameters by parameter name, specifying it as the parameter of the called action of the viewer.




public IActionResult ViewerInteraction(string id)


return StiAngularViewer.InteractionResult(this);





The GetFormValues() method


Returns the values of the form that initiated (opened by the POST request) a page of the viewer. Thus, it is possible to get a collection of form parameters in any action of the viewer.




public IActionResult ViewerInteraction()


NameValueCollection formValues = StiAngularViewer.GetFormValues(this);


return StiAngularViewer.InteractionResult(this);





By default, this feature is disabled in order to optimize requests of the client side of the viewer to the server. To enable it, set the PassFormValues property to true.




public IActionResult InitViewer()


var requestParams = StiAngularViewer.GetRequestParams(this);

var options = new StiAngularViewerOptions();

options.Actions.ViewerEvent = "ViewerEvent";

options.Server.PassFormValues = true;


return StiAngularViewer.ViewerDataResult(requestParams, options);





The GetRequestParams() method


Returns all parameters of the current state of the viewer passed to the server side. They can be useful for determining the type of action that the viewer is currently executing - for example, to determine the type of export, as well as all action parameters.




public IActionResult ExportReport()


StiRequestParams requestParams = StiAngularViewer.GetRequestParams(this);

if (requestParams.ExportFormat == StiExportFormat.Pdf)


StiReport report = StiAngularViewer.GetReportObject(this);


// Some action with report for the PDF export

// ...


return StiAngularViewer.ExportReportResult(this, report);



return StiAngularViewer.ExportReportResult(this);





You can change the values of some parameters. After making changes, for correct operation of the viewer, you should transfer the changed parameter object to the input of thse resulting method.




public IActionResult ViewerInteraction()


StiRequestParams requestParams = StiAngularViewer.GetRequestParams(this);

if (requestParams.Action == StiAction.Variables)


requestParams.Interaction.Variables["Variable1"] = "MyValue";

return StiAngularViewer.InteractionResult(this, requestParams);



return StiAngularViewer.InteractionResult(this);





The GetExportSettings() method


Returns all the parameters of the current report export. The type of the parameter object will correspond to the type of export selected in the viewer menu. Any export parameters can be changed and passed to the input of the resulting method. In this case, the report will be exported with the parameters transferred.




public IActionResult ExportReport()


StiExportSettings settings = StiAngularViewer.GetExportSettings(this);

if (settings.GetExportFormat() == StiExportFormat.Pdf)


StiPdfExportSettings pdfSettings = (StiPdfExportSettings)settings;

pdfSettings.EmbeddedFonts = true;

pdfSettings.AllowEditable = StiPdfAllowEditable.No;

return StiAngularViewer.ExportReportResult(this, settings);



return StiAngularViewer.ExportReportResult(this);





The MapPath() and MapWebRootPath() methods


Returns the absolute path, respectively, to the application or wwwroot directory. You can use this to upload report templates files, data files, etc. These methods are located in the StiAngularHelper static class.




public IActionResult GetReport()


StiReport report = new StiReport();

report.Load(StiAngularHelper.MapPath(this, "Reports/SimpleList.mrt"));


return StiAngularViewer.GetReportResult(this, report);

