Step 1: Open Visual Studio;


Step 2: Click File menu, select New item, and choose Project item;


Step 3: Select ASP.NET Core Web Application command;


Step 4: Click Next button;


Step 5: Specify the name of this project, location and solution name. For example, AngularViewer;


Step 6: Click Create button;


Step 7: Select Angular type, set .NET Core as a framework and select ASP.NET Core 3.1 and higher version;


Step 8: Uncheck Configure for  HTTPS parameter;


Step 9: Click Create button;


Step 10: Install Stimulsoft.Reports.Angular.NetCore NuGet package:

Select Manage NuGet Packages ... command in the context menu of the project;
Specify Stimulsoft.Reports.Angular.NetCore in the search bar on the Browse tab;
Select the item, define the version of the package, and click Install. When updating the package, click the Update button.


Step 11: Add ViewerController to Conntrollers folder:

Call context menu of Controllers folder;
Select Add item;
Choose Controller... command;
Set MVC Controller - Empty as controller type;
Click Add button;
Specify controller name. For example, ViewerController;
Click the Add button.


Step 12: Create the Reports folder in the project, and add a report file to it. For example, add MasterDetail.mrt report.


Step 13: Add below code in ViewerController.cs.




using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

using Stimulsoft.Report;

using Stimulsoft.Report.Angular;

using Stimulsoft.Report.Web;


namespace AngularViewer.Controllers



public class ViewerController : Controller



//Specify viewer options


public IActionResult InitViewer()


var requestParams = StiAngularViewer.GetRequestParams(this);

var options = new StiAngularViewerOptions();

options.Actions.ViewerEvent = "ViewerEvent";

return StiAngularViewer.ViewerDataResult(requestParams, options);



//ViewerEvent() that will process viewer requests.


public IActionResult ViewerEvent()


var requestParams = StiAngularViewer.GetRequestParams(this);


if (requestParams.Action == StiAction.GetReport)


var report = StiReport.CreateNewReport();

var path = StiAngularHelper.MapPath(this, $"Reports/MasterDetail.mrt");


return StiAngularViewer.GetReportResult(this, report);



return StiAngularViewer.ProcessRequestResult(this);







Step 14: Open project folder in explorer;


Step 15: Install Angular Client Components from npm.



npm install stimulsoft-viewer-angular



Step 16: Close console;


Step 17: Delete the ClientApp folder;


Step 18: Go to the AngularViewer folder and open console;


Step 19: Enter ng new ClientApp command in console:




ng new ClientApp




Step 20: Enter ‘N’ to not use routing;


Step 21: Select the CSS format and click Enter button;


Step 22: Close console and go to ClientApp folder;


Step 23: Open console and download stimulsoft-viewer-angular.




npm install stimulsoft-viewer-angular




Step 24: Close console;


Step 25: Open app.module.ts file in the editor from "...ClientApp\src\app\" directory, and add StimulsoftViewerModule. Specify below code in app.module.ts:




import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { StimulsoftViewerModule } from 'stimulsoft-viewer-angular';

import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';


import { AppComponent } from './app.component';



declarations: [



imports: [







providers: [],

bootstrap: [AppComponent]


export class AppModule { }




Step 26: Open app.component.html file in the editor from "...ClientApp\src\app\" directory, and add AppComponent. Specify below code in app.component.html:













[requestUrl] is URL to ViewerController with {action} template. You can find out the URL to ViewerController in launchSettings.json file from the "...\Properties" directory.
[action] is an action name to initialize an angular viewer.
[height] is viewer height.


Step 27: Go to the visual studio and run the project. After the project run, you can see the viewer with a specific report.




If your project does not start, try to delete node_modules folder and package-lock.json file from the "...ClientApp\" directory.