This chapter describes an example of using Stimulsoft components in Angular JS applications.


Create an Angular project
In the terminal navigate to the directory where you want to place the new project. Then, run the command.




ng new sti-angular-js --no-standalone --routing --ssr=false --style css




Install Stimulsoft components

First, you need to download the Stimulsoft package. If you need reporting tools, you should download the Stimulsoft Reports.JS package. If you need reporting tools and dashboards, you should download the Stimulsoft Dashboards.JS package. Then, copy the Stimulsoft scripts into the project at the path sti-angular-js./src/scripts.



Configure the Angular project

To do this, in the scripts section of the angular.json file, you should specify an array of paths to the scripts files in the project.




"scripts": [













In the section architect for the parameter builder, set the type to browser instead of application. Additionally, rename the parameter in options from browser to main.




"architect": {

"build": {

"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",

"options": {

"main": "src/main.ts"






If you plan to use pre-existing reports in the viewer or designer, you should add the path to them in the assets section.




"assets": [





Add the HttpClientModule module
You need to import and then connect the HttpClientModule in the app.module.ts file.




import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';




imports: [










Place the Stimulsoft component
In the app.component.ts file, you also need to import HttpClientModule. Then, you can import Stimulsoft using the directive declare var Stimulsoft: any;. In the AppComponent class, you should define the initialization of Stimulsoft components. For example, the designer with an empty report.




import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';


declare var Stimulsoft: any;



selector: 'app-root',

template: `<div>

<h2>Stimulsoft Reports.JS - Invoice.mrt - Designer</h2>

<div id="сontent"></div>




export class AppComponent {

designer: any = new Stimulsoft.Designer.StiDesigner(false, "StiDesigner", false);


ngOnInit() {

var report = new Stimulsoft.Report.StiReport(); = report;




constructor(private http: HttpClientModule) {







Or open the viewer with a previously created report.




export class AppComponent {

viewer: any = new Stimulsoft.Viewer.StiViewer(false, "StiViewer", false);


ngOnInit() {

var report = new Stimulsoft.Report.StiReport();

report.loadFile("reports/Invoice.mrt"); = report;




constructor(private http: HttpClientModule) {







First Start
An Angular application by default defines the start command in the package.json file. Therefore, to start the project, run the command from the terminal in the root folder of the project.




npm start