Getting a list of elements in a workspace of the logged-in user. The list is returned to the specified folder.
Url Structure:
A custom header x-sti-SessionKey contains the session key of the current user. Custom header x-sti-ItemKey used to identify the parent folder, which list of elements needs to be retrieved. If this header is not present, it will get a list of elements of the root folder. To filter element types used header x-sti-FilterIdent. It may contain one of the values in the table above Ident. If this header is absent, all elements from the requested collection will be returned. It is also possible to use the header x-sti-AllowDeleted, which is responsible for displaying the elements placed in the recycle bin (not removed completely).
CURL example:
curl -X GET -H "x-sti-SessionKey: ea8cc765d54241e18347a043e187ada3" -H "x-sti-ItemKey: 7800e3265d06418a9ac4feb977fd4040" -H "x-sti-AllowDeleted: true"
The JSON object containing the collection ResultItems, which contains a list of items in the specified folder of the current workspace. The success of the command execution is checked by the content of the field ResultSuccess.
Sample JSON response |
... { "Ident": "ItemFetchAll", "ResultItems": [ { "Ident": "FolderItem", "FolderKey": "7800e3265d06418a9ac4feb977fd4040", "WorkspaceKey": "c25a38229d484ce589b983ed680f681e", "Name": "InternalFolder", "Description": "This is a second level folder", "Created": "\/Date(1425024762360)\/", "Modified": "\/Date(1425024762360)\/", "IsMoveable": true, "Key": "ac9485530c2e42cf9edef840a4816c4f" }, { "Ident": "ReportTemplateItem", "StateKey": "2", "FolderKey": "7800e3265d06418a9ac4feb977fd4040", "WorkspaceKey": "c25a38229d484ce589b983ed680f681e", "Name": "SecondEmptyReport", "Description": "This is a internal report", "Created": "\/Date(1425025029473)\/", "Modified": "\/Date(1425042737867)\/", "IsMoveable": true, "Key": "649f1ff97b21448d963c4747279e86d9" } ], "ResultSuccess": true } ... |